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Unternehmerforum Hightech Aargau - Home - Das Unternehmerforum Hightech Aargau will optimale Rahmenbedingungen für Unternehmen schaffen für Innovationsförderung, Technologietransfer und eine höhere volkswirtschaftliche Wertschöpfung.

Country:, Europe, CH

City: 8.1551 , Switzerland

  • owlwise - folder

    This folder is everything a cardboard coin container should be; it holds the coins very well. It certainly suits my needs, as it probably would for most casual coin collectors.

  • Cary C. Dunlap - An All-time Favorite

    Years ago I made a list of the top 25 songs I'd want to have if I was stranded on the proverbial desert island. This song makes the list. For me, it's the perfect "power-pop" composition, just rocked out enough to keep it honest, and catchy enough to win over even the toughest critic. I love this band and this is their best song, in my opinion, followed closely by "No Matter What" and "Day After Day"...