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  • chaekim - good

    it is a good book to use for studying nclex. it should be used more for after you have learned all your materials

  • norman mcintosh - Dont bother with this. Not so free

    They kept on bothering me to buy stuff. Every hour I would get a message. And they got me back good in the when I tried to remove them. They made a restore point and it took over 20 min. Just a last dig I guess for removeing them..lol.

  • Is Bin - My Workhorse

    First I have to thank the Amazon reviewers for leading me to this pan. I have and treasure one just like it and despaired of ever finding another. A careful reading of comments about this pan and I realized it is exactly what I was looking for. The reason I love this light weight yet sturdy pan is that I often use it to bake recipes that require me to cut in the pan (i.e. baklava, family sized pizzas), so all of those lovely non-stick coated pans would be quickly ruined if I used them. I have a pan drawer full of brand name non-coated sheets that are heavy gauge combinations of aluminum and steel, but they are not dishwasher friendly (ugly dulling) and "heavy" is no misnomer, they are bulky and heavy. I needed another light weight and dishwasher safe workhorse, and this is it. Now, I have read that some people are very concerned about warping. I won't kid you, I do hear this pan "Ting" in the oven and there is a slight bit of warping. I will attest, however, that I have never had a sheet cake or any other baked good come out of the oven with a crack or any sign that the small amount of warping has harmed the baked good. Finally, I love this pan because I do not have to treat it with kid gloves when it comes to cleaning it. Since it is not a non-stick pan, that baked on cheese will need some soaking and scrubbing before the pan is placed in the dishwasher. I can do "no fear scrubbing" because this pan can take it. Sure, it will quickly lose its youthful mirror like appearance, but a well worn tool is beautiful in its own way.