www.medicineindia.org Review:


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  • Douglas M. Anthony - Really Works

    Tried several off the shelf products but none worked. Finally read about this product that had been sold in Europe for quite some time but was only recently approved for sale in the US. Problem was, I could not find it in any of the local stores. Decided to try Amazon and sure enough it was available there. After several years of dealing with nail fungus on both of my big toes, they are finally back to normal. No longer do I have to be embarrassed to go barefoot at the beach or wear flip flops to the store. This product really works!

  • Andrea Crawford - Poorly made game.

    I bought this game thinking it would be fun to have something in hand to serve as a gun. The fact that you can't aim and hit targets takes that away. I like others, spent an hour or so trying to calibrate it. It does not matter what screen size or distance to the semsor bar, it does not calibrate to the degree that you can enjoy playing the game. The game itself is too easy and nothing close to real hunting. I wish I had as many targets to shoot, whilehunting in real life.