LPFT NHS | Home - Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - We provide specialist health services for people with a learning disability, and mental health problems.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/help-and-support LPFT NHS | Help and Contact - Where we can, our aim is to keep people out of hospital (inpatient services) – unless it is necessary – by supporting them in the community
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/our-services LPFT NHS | Our services - We provide specialist mental health and learning disability services to the people of Lincolnshire and surrounding areas.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/get-involved LPFT NHS | Get involved - As we are a foundation trust it is important that we engage and involve the local community in the decisions that we make. Everyone living in the communities we serve can become a member of our Trust and they are welcome to get involved in the future of mental health services in Lincolnshire.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/work-for-us LPFT NHS | Work for us - Excellent, well-trained staff are what makes our Trust as successful as we are.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/about-us LPFT NHS | About us - We were established on 1 June 2002 when social care and health services, formerly provided by Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Healthcare NHS Trust, were brought together to create new mental health and substance misuse service for adults.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/our-services/adult-services/steps2change-lincs LPFT NHS | Talking therapies - steps2change - The service is for anyone in Lincolnshire over the age of 16, who is feeling stressed, anxious, low in mood or depressed.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/about-us/accessing-our-information/new-policies LPFT NHS | Policies - The Trust is reviewing all of its policies in order to consolidate 168 documents into 11 new policies. All new and updated policies will be published on this page.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk//our-services/specialist-services/camhs LPFT NHS | Child and adolescent mental health services - Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) provide assessment, diagnosis, management and intervention for children and young people up to 18 years of age where there are concerns about their mental health or psychological well-being.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/get-involved/membership-and-governors-area/become-a-member LPFT NHS | Become a member - Being a member allows you to help us challenge the stigma and discrimination that people with mental health difficulties can sometimes face. As well as shape the future of the services we offer.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk//steps2change-lincs LPFT NHS | steps2change - NHS Talking Therapies for Lincolnshire - steps2change is an Improving Accesss to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) NHS service for people in Lincolnshire. We provide services including psychological therapies, mental wellbeing, counselling and cognitive behavioural therapies to provide treatment for stress, anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk/about-us/accessing-our-information/safe-staffing LPFT NHS | Safe Staffing - Our Safe Staffing Reports - The National Quality Board, sponsored by Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer in England, has recently published new guidance for providers and commissioners about staffing. This guidance describes approaches to organisations' reporting on staffing levels on a monthly basis and to make the right decisions about nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability.
http://www.lpft.nhs.uk//help-and-support/your-rights/pals LPFT NHS | Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) - PALS aims to advise and support patients, their families and carers to find answers to questions or concerns regarding the care or treatment received from LPFT.
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Keith Suderman - CF frame, 105 components - a solid, competent bikeI received my 2012 Pod 5 as a warranty replacement for a 2011 Pod 5 (cracked chainstay), which is my only other modern road bike. I don't have the broad base of experience needed to give an objective comparison, but I've put nearly 1,700 miles on this bike, and here are some things to consider.
John Caruso - Failed after 4-5 hours in a potentially dangerous wayWhen I first plugged this unit in it worked perfectly for about 4-5 hours. Then, while it was under a constant load at about 40% of capacity, it suddenly made a loud popping noise and smoke started streaming out the side. The smoke smelled strongly of ozone. I immediately shut down all the attached devices and powered off the unit, unplugged it and placed it in the garage so if it failed catastrophically it would cause the least damage. It continued smoking for a few minutes, then finally stopped. I've turned it on twice since then and it still seems functional (the display is working and battery life looks right), but I just immediately turn it back off.
proinwv - GreatI wish I had upgraded earlier. I had been using AutoCad 2006. This is an excellent product. While it has many new features, it retains enough of the older method to be easy to move up to. I recommend trying the free 30 day subscription service too. I found it so helpful that I purchased a one year subscription.
Jennifer Rae - Maybe Too Soon to Tell for Rodents, but does NOT work to repel insects.I've had this plugged into the garage for about two weeks now, and honestly, I don't see much of a difference so far. That said, a few months ago we had a few noticeable pests (i.e. rodents) in the garage, and got rid of them at the time...so I guess I can say that it definitely hasn't attracted any additional pests, I'm just not sure it has had anything to do with repelling them. As for insects, this doesn't work at all, just as many flies and mosquitoes as ever. If I see a noticeable difference in the future, I will update this review, but as for now, I'm not impressed. I received this item at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest opinion.