www.louvainmedical.be Review:


Louvain Médical | Revue du Secteur des Sciences de la santé de l'Université catholique de Louvain - Louvain Médical est la revue du Sect. des Sciences de la Santé de l'Univ. catholique de Louvain (UCL) reprenant des articles d'expertise scientifique

Country:, Europe, BE

City: 4.35 , Belgium

  • Bonnie Swift - I found this to be a great book! I have not taken my NCLEX yet ...

    I found this to be a great book! I have not taken my NCLEX yet but I feel more than ready for it by using this book, great buy!

  • mom21116 - Great price

    This was a very needed purchase. The experience was good and the product (I have used in the past, previous versions)is great. I was glad to get such a great price.

  • Michael Bettencourt - DO NOT BUY! WASTE OF MONEY!

    I bought this and it's not like the ad you see on tv. The ad says as soon as you remove the pan the top is cool to the touch...LIES! I returned mine. Unfortunately I was a victim of the Target breach and had to get a new debit card. When I called them to check on the refund I told the person I had returned mine which she transferred me to the corporate office. I told that woman why I was calling and when I gave her my new card info she said the payment was processed and the next payment would go through next month. I asked her why? She said I was sent 2 ovens and I told her no I only bought one...I did not get the 2nd one. This jas turned into a huge disaster. So, if you want to believes the lies in the ad and have them take your money then by all means go ahead and order it but remember you have been warned!