www.cardiognosis.com Review:


CARDIOGNOSIS™ by Kouvoussis Emmanuele - Καρδιολόγος στην Γλυφάδα, CARDIOGNOSIS, Καρδιλοόγος στην Ανω Γλυφάδα, Αρτηριακή Πίεση, Λιπίδια, Κολπική Μαρμαρυγή.OurDoctor.grA site for healthcare providers who are interested in cardiology,high blood pessure,dyslipidemia,atrial fibrillation,coronary artery disease and patients with cardiocirculatory problems.

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Retired but still kicking - It was a waste of money for me

    Maybe I needed to get the bigger version of this. I only felt it when it was turned up to the highest setting and even then, didn't find any relief from it. It was a waste of money for me, but it was worth a try.

  • Jenn Huang - I won't ever use Palmers again. It claims to ...

    I won't ever use Palmers again. It claims to be parable free on all their products. This is false advertisement. They hide their paraben in the ingredient form called PEG. Please do your own research for the safety of yourself and your kids.

  • Thomas K. McGowan - Disapointed

    Product doesn't provide installation instructions. I was not able to install it to contain all the accounts(10),credit cards(11) loans(4)and tax information that I require and use. I am trying to replace and old program (MYM12) that I have used sucessfully for years. Because I opened the carton and installed it, I can't return it to Amazon by their rules.

  • john longo - Product is not how it appears in photo

    Photo of product is not what I received. I ordered a gold emblem and received yellow. I expected the product to be more original looking based on photo. It was not worth the expense and time to return

  • michaelmouse1 - A Christian approach to Beastiality

    Cory Bernardi's compassionate treatise on Christian evangelical bestiality and it's fundamental link to sexual and emotional dysfunction amongst heterosexuals should make Evangelical Christians everywhere take pride in their primal beastial urges and inability to grasp reality. His adolescent obsession with dogs and the subsequent emotional fallout within his family when he finally realises that the Bible strictly forbade inter-species relations is explained here in clear, concise language that even the most fundamental of fundamentalists can understand. It is truly a major work in Dadaist eroticism, if a little puke-making. This work of semi-fiction, based on real-life experiences but with the real names changed, is an emotional and terrifying journey through the religious landscape that turns out evangelical Christians and explains why their inner anger and hatred spurs them on to spread this anger and hate, not only within their own borders, but predominantly in developing countries, especially Uganda. Part fable, part travelogue, part horror story, and a lot comedy, the chapters unfold like a nightmare one never awakes from. Bound to be a bestseller in third world countries with extremely low literacy rates and high gun ownership levels, Bernardi's book "The Conservative Revolution" is a superb analysis of just what lies beneath the dark veil of right wing politics...and it is often a dog with it's hind leg raised, in anticipation, begging to be taken. Finally we have a book that lays bare the essence of Christian Fundamentalism - a denial of the teachings of Jesus in epic proportions in favour of big business, weapons manufacturing and Dog Food suppliers. Bernardi - a failed Australian politician, removed to it's back bench by his own party- having found his voice muffled even by people on his own side- launches out here in fairly mono-syllabic ways to spread his message of homo-hatred and fear of vaginal sex. Poorly written, appallingly edited and at times a touch hysterical, this is the sequel to The Exorcist you have all been waiting for. Let's just hope the movie is better than this book. Highly recommended for readers suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If this doesn't move you ,Try Pat Robertson's "69 Positions with your Cat".

  • L. Bennett - Intuit SUCKS!

    I have used QuickBooks for three years. After three years they no longer allowed me to download transactions from my bank without upgrading to to the 2016 QuickBooks. So I spent the $189 and upgraded but it works differently than it used to as far as downloading the transactions. I spent 40 minutes on the phone only to then have the technician tell me it would be $89 for him to go any further because they offer no customer service. What a RIP-OFF!!! First of all, what kind of company sells a product and doesn't offer some assistance to a new purchaser? Secondly, I explained at least 5 times to the foreign technician who spoke with such a heavy accent I could barely understand him but of course it is because Intuit outsources their work to India to save a few bucks, but why on earth could this man not tell me in the first 5 minutes that it would cost $89?? I am currently on hold waiting to speak to a supervisor who undoubtedly will be another thick accented Indian. I can't stand this company. Terrible customer service!! If there are other options out there, look for them.