whatisdifferencebetween.net Review:


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  • Jenny C - Unnatural

    I don't know what to say about this stuff. It definitely slows your flow. I developed a regimen of taking 2 capsules twice a day for the first 3 days of my period, then stopping, because it takes a few days to respond. However, it did some weird things to my cycle. I completely skipped a month (which never happens to me) and the next month I had a week and a half between periods. It was pretty scary.

  • Chelsea - If you don't mind the smell I would recommend this for dry or irritated skin

    I tried this and found it has a weird minty smell to it. I used it with my lotion and it left my skin shiny and moisturized. Be careful not to use too much or you will be oily after. A little goes a long way. One of these bottles has lasted me close to 3 months of regular daily use. If you don't mind the smell I would recommend this for dry or irritated skin. My mother in law has eczema and she loves it. It's helped reduce irritation and has soften her patches considerably.

  • Sibelius - Sloppy science

    Very interesting read that takes a contrarian point of view against the plethora of books released over the past 5 years espousing the inevitability and ubiquity of big data speeding the progress of efficiency and decision making against all facets of life. The book utilizes an interesting mix of fly on the wall perspective regarding the day to day mindsets of quants, accessible breakdowns on core concepts of data science and analytics and a bit of a polemic screed on the dangers of blindly going with the assumption that data 'doesn't lie' that is impassioned and infuriating all at once. From start to finish Cathy O'Neil deftly shines light on the inherent (humanistic) biases that are built into many of the hypothesis, analysis and actions taken from careless data modeling and why we all need to be aware of this sometimes sloppy science and the unfortunate results that leave many a victim in its wake.