

a place to call home - queer / autistic / confused (they / them) - linguist in training, occasional scientist, actual space dragon. mostly confused most of the time. fond of sparkly things, space, dragons, and language....

  • a place to call home - television-and-tea: agentmapal: yungveeny:... - television-and-tea: “agentmapal: “yungveeny: “lore-soong: “ok yeah the fact that symptoms of mental illness (bad hygine, unlivably messy bedrooms, irregular sleep schedules, constant fatigue, lack of...
  • a place to call home - femminiello: exeunt-pursued-by-a-bear:... - femminiello: “ exeunt-pursued-by-a-bear: “ deusex: “ Check out this robotic hand which can touch and feel, improving perception and reflexes for its user. [ Δ ] ” This Robot Hand Will Allow You To...
  • a place to call home : Photo - Post anything (from anywhere!), customize everything, and find and follow what you love. Create your own Tumblr blog today.
  • a place to call home - Let me think... How about Keyleth catching Percy... - awkwardcritter said: Let me think... How about Keyleth catching Percy amid dozens of sketches in his workshop feverishly trying to figure out something for Vex but nothing strikes him as good enough...
  • a place to call home - snow white - snow white brotherkashaw: “ Oh, Keyleth. In the stories your mother told you as a child the path was all so cut and dry. The child grows up; the mother vanishes; the child suffers; a princess emerges....
  • a place to call home - What: Yognau(gh)ts meetup at the London MCM Expo!... - “What: Yognau(gh)ts meetup at the London MCM Expo! Where: the hall by N11 When: 13:00, Saturday 29th October Contact: Facebook event ” Hello! Sparx here. Yet again, I’m running the Yogmeet, with some...

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  • Marty - Excelletn 2016 revision

    Works much like prior versions of True Image. Use the options button which is at the bottom of the opening screen to turn off all the cloud crap if you do not want that stuff (I don't), and to set up your scheduled backups. Also, I went into Windows Start up and turn off(disable) all the Acronis stuff that wants to load at start up (most programs do this, Acronis is not alone at this annoying feature).

  • tampatina - great binder for keeping women in their place

    neatly track all the token women you hire, and make yourself seem like you care. Portable so you can carry it woth you and keep yourself organized

  • Stephen W - A definite help among other things

    This book came in the mail in pretty good time. I was every excited that I was able to find it with all the included materials for the price. Everyone that I talked with about purchasing the book said it was a good deal for everything I was getting with it. I am taking a prep workshop and the book is helping as well. It is a good price for what is in it. For anyone taking the GRE, look into this book AND prep class. They are a great help.

  • Ashley L. - Great product, used while traveling in South America!

    I backed this project via Kickstarter and was stoked because I had a trip to South America planned and this is exactly what I needed versus using tablets for a straw to filter out all the bacteria and what not. I remember watching the videos on how to filter my water and thought it would be a piece of cake - until I actually tested it out before leaving for my trip and successfully made the biggest mess in the kitchen (trying to filter off of a kitchen island) because I didn't follow the instructions and give myself enough room to actually apply pressure and filter the water so it just gushed out. Figured out it's best to mimic the video and apply pressure on the floor and BAM! Worked like a charm.

  • PDXDad - Be still be broken heart.

    What in the world is this??? I applaud her for trying new things and being true to herself but this is one of the most dull and boring albums I've listened to in a long time. There's only a couple up beat songs which aren't even that great and the rest just kind of drone on. "Hey Girl" featuring Florence Welch is kind of fun even though the repetition of Hey Girl gets anoying. "Just another day" feels Billy Joel inspired and is ok. "Grigio Girls" is a country inspired song about wine with some of the most immature and basic lyrics I've heard. "A-go"is probably one of the best songs on the album with a good beat but stupid lyrics.