raceagainstpain.com Review:


Race Against Pain - raceagainstpain.com - Find the community and support you need to deal with chronic pain. Find help and join our forums to connect with others who understand what you are facing.

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  • sherbear - This stuff is amazing, but you have to be diligent

    We have used this in our personal home, I am a property manager and have brought these nasty "hitch hikers" home a few times. This stuff is amazing, but you have to be diligent. Plus they have great customer service if you have questions. The big thing is being diligent. You can't just spray it and hope everything goes away. You have to spray and vacuum, and spray and vacuum. Use the powder in all wall openings (outlets, switches, cable/internet hookups), spray and seal your mattresses. You have to repeat weekly for several weeks. This product is much less expensive than exterminators and works better than the stuff they have. It has no odor, and has never stained anything.


    Please note that I HATE my new Keurig 2.0 Brewing System. The reason behind the animosity is because the device DOES NOT WORK. I received it, opened it up with much glee and anticipation, and set everything up per the instructions. Nothing. Then I called Keurig Customer Service and spent an hour on the phone with them, only to have the product deemed as 'defective'. Wow. Brand new and right out of the box batting .000.