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  • mark broegman - MAPS not updated

    Bing has to update there Maps the one that they have dose not show RR tracks that i need to work with, theese tracks have been in the city of houston for over50 years but bing only shows one not the 5 that are there UPDATE BING GOOGLE HAS BETTER MAPS

  • Bob Todd - Be patient, you will get to like it...

    Well, I have worked with Word 2002 for a long time. Then I got a trial of Word 2010 and had nothing good to say... at first. But as I continued writing my book with it, I got so I don't want to go back to Word 2002. The only thing is, I have a Russian translator for Word 2002 and don't for Word 2010. However, I can go on line now and make my Russian text appear as English so that does not seem to be a problem any more. I am eighty years old and have tried to learn to type about sixy five years ago so pardon my typos. Bob

  • Guinevere - Okay for play not for a prop

    I wanted this as a Halloween prop so I was disappointed but I got what I paid for. In hind sight I should have spent more money to get a wood board for effect. The planchette lights up when you put batteries in and press on it. That was kind of cool, but the cardboard was curved a little and I wished I would have gotten a more expensive version.