

Patrick GERMANO - Patrick GERMANO - Spécialiste Web pour professionnels et petites entreprises. Situé en France, il est spécialiste WordPress, Réseaux Sociaux, Web 0.2, Marketing

Country:, North America, US

City: -80.2656 Florida, United States

  • ariel - Fantastic Product- Worth Every Penny!

    To start: I mention a few products by brand name in this review. I have not received any kind of compensation in the past & will not receive any at any point in the future. These products are listed solely for comparison and as recommendations for successful use of the product under review. My references to the costs & shipment of my personal order refers to a purchase made directly from the official Giani website & are only included because I feel that customer service contributes to the overall value of a product, and thus its overall rating.

  • Gemesq - Sold! Works like a charm.

    Love this stuff!! My hairdresser used it on me and I was sold. I have medium thick, LONG hair that is naturally wavy and is somewhat prone to frizziness if I don't use the right product. This stuff works like a charm at keeping my hair silky smooth and straight all day. And it smells AMAZING. It is worth the price trust me!