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  • volksman - Great Walking Stick!!

    Really helpful for us. They're sturdy and come with a set of two different attachments so you can adjust for the ground you're walking on. There's a strap on the top to put your wrist through and a comfortable handle to hold onto. There is also an internal spring that helps with wrist comfort. I have to push it to the ground pretty hard to get the spring to do anything, so I think it is just an added bonus, just in case. I have had no problems with it collapsing on itself like some other reviewers, I guess I tighten the locks enough to keep that from happening. I did receive this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review.

  • toothfairy - Didn't work for me but might work for you.

    I was so hoping that this would be my sinus congestion miracle so I gave it a good two weeks using it twice a day. Alas, aside from having a little relief and being able to breathe easier at night at first, after the two weeks I have noticed no difference. I suspect that I may have an anatomy issue and I think this could work great for someone who is truly congested with mucus and perhaps not just swelling (which I suspect is my issue). I found it very easy to use, but I would only get a tiny bit of mucus out each time. I got more out when I would blow my nose. So - I am still miserable and frustrated with my sinus issues. Not this machine's fault and worth a try in my opinion.

  • V.V.V - Great Energy

    Just started taking this and I like it so far. Gives me energy without the shakes that last throughout the day. I have very bad reactions with anything that has caffeine in it so this is a great alternative for energy that does not give me that negative reaction. I read the other reviews and saw that several had headaches, but this was not so for me. I suffer from environmentally induced migraines and honestly have not had one since I started taking this product. Not sure if it is the product, or if I just have not been exposed to anything that would cause an episode, but either way I am happy.

  • Denille L. Campbell - Incredible!!!!!

    I'm amazed at how much control I had over the spray pattern when I used this handle. Normally with a spray can it's a simple on/off. I found myself actually being able to control how strong of a flow I wanted. I have never had this control over a spray can before. This thing is incredible!!!

  • neonglass - No backwards compatability

    This is my third upgrade for this software. Each newer version looses something in the user interface and gets more difficult to use. I have had to rebuild everyone of my old maps and trips due to the file format change Microsoft did. I wish I could have just gotten map updates for the older version of this software.

  • A Mom in Mass - my son enjoyed it this Christmas

    my son enjoyed it this Christmas - I agree with the comments I read before buying it... that they should not show everything on the box because it ruins most of the surprise... but 100% of the items are not shown. I would order again.