

Xem số thứ tự khám bệnh trực tiếp - Hospital Info - Giải Pháp Xếp Hàng Bệnh Viện - Lucky Telecom JSC - Viễn Thông May Mắn - Hotline: 19001000 (1000đ/phút)

Country:, Asia, VN

City: 105.85 Thanh Pho Ha Noi, Vietnam

  • Qazi - The issues are fixed in new firmware..go ahead and order your GoPro HERO3!

    After reading so many bad reviews pointing out so many glitches in HERO3, I was a little hesitant when ordering the Black Edition. I work in the technology industry and figured that the problems are not hardware based but more on the software side and can be fixed with a firmware update. I was right and GoPro released a firmware update just after I placed my order. As soon as I received it, I charged the battery and manually installed the latest firmware which is v3.0 at the time of writing this review. I have used it for longer periods and everything works without any of the issues others have faced.

  • William M Riley - Didn't work

    I've Tried and Tried and Tried with no succeess. It actually damaged the plug on the tv and will return to Amazon as soon as I can