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  • Cassie - However I was a little disappointed on the internet search protection

    This product does what it needs to as far as virus and malware protection. However I was a little disappointed on the internet search protection. I was hoping to have a product to shield little eyes from unnecessary images however it does a poor job. Right now it will work for us but if ypu are wanting a product that blocks porn or other graphic content I would recommend finding another product or getting g an upgrade if McAfee has it.

  • From the mind of Bob - From the Mind of Bob

    It works, sometimes it takes multiple applications, but it works. But you should know =IT HURTS= while your are freezing off your wart you will experience intense bitter cold cold cold and it is painful. The whole time while I'm wincing in pain I think of how nice it will be for that wart to be gone, it makes it a little bit easier to hold that applicator on my wart for the needed time.