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Country:, Europe, DE

City: 11.0683 Bavaria, Germany

  • Bill J - YES!!!

    Ok. I'm a guy and I'll admit that I have incredibly sensitive skin with a very low pain tolerance. That said, I followed the instructions to a t and couldn't be happier with the results. It was a 3.5 hour session, so obviously it didn't last the entire time, but for the first two hours I hardly felt any pain. It felt more like my artist was poking me with a dull pencil (best way I can describe it).

  • Scott Barnes - Great supplement without the negative side effects

    Best pre workout supplement I've tried. The biggest factor for me is the fact that there are no stimulants used. Also nausea free workouts and no hassle in pill form.

  • Courtney Evans - Yes!

    I like it, I love it, I'd use it again. I have fairly thick hair and it work amazing for me and you can't beat the price per ounce.