

I Luv My Bichon Frise - Bichon Frise Pictures, Information & Forum - Information on the Bichon Frise dog breed, includes discussion forum, pictures, articles, labrador chat and more.

  • I Luv My Bichon Frise - Breed Health - Bichon Frise Pictures, Information & Forum - Free health advice articles written by veterinary expert for labrador dog owners or for those considering adopting a labrador puppy.
  • I Luv My Bichon Frise - Breed Photos - Bichon Frise Pictures, Information & Forum - Browse through the cutest and most adorable labrador photographs and even upload your own for other labrador lovers to swoon over
  • I Luv My Bichon Frise - Breed Profile - Information & Forum - Bichon Frises are very strong muscler dogs with strong bone substance. They have a double short and dense coat, the undercoat being weather resistant.
  • I Luv My Bichon Frise - Advice For Breeders - Bichon Frise Pictures, Information & Forum - If you want to breed because you want to make money, then please reconsider breeding. Breeding is expensive and you are no likely to make any money from it.
  • I Luv My Bichon Frise - Bichon Frise Puppy Guide - Information & Forum - This page should help you determine whether a labrador is the right dog for you and your family and if so, ensure you are fully prepared for all of their needs.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.6133 Utah, United States

  • Kerrie - Good tips

    Good tool to assist in ACT preparation. Would recommend it to others who are looking for a good assistance to ACT prep.

  • Martin Davis - I really like this weed eater

    I really like this weed eater. It is light, has plenty of power, and the battery last a real long time. I've used 5 times in about 2 months and I am still on the initial charge. The battery lasts a long time. The option of using the included wheels to trim along the curb, sidewalk, and driveway is really handy. I do recommend this product, well worth it!

  • Darleen Fulgham - Toilet tree callus remover

    Loved it never had anything make my feet feel so good and soft . They are ready for summer and flip flops . Husband used it for calluses on his hands and they haven't felt that good in years.

  • Christopher - Great Fit!

    Soooo I initially was worried about the 3M tape potentially damaging my leather. Decided not to use it. It fits perfect and holds in place! I also waited for the price to drop, $40 was too steep for such an accessory; got it at around $25.

  • TPGulch - This can be a dangerous product

    I'm having surgery on my left foot in a week so I needed to find an easy to to climb stairs as I live in a motor home. This iWalkFree appeared to be the perfect solution for the six to eight weeks I will be no weight bearing on that foot. This review will pretty much repeat what others have said about the "unfinished" aspects of the crutch. I have had the crutch about 4 days and have been practicing as much as possible before surgery. While practicing I am using standard crutches to keep my balance. Contrary to what is stated on their website, the learning curve is going to be quite lengthy. I am a big man, 6'2" and have a large circumference upper thigh. In fact, I'm about the limit to size capability of the product. I am right handed and as I need to attach the product to my left leg then the fitting and tightening of the straps is quite awkward. Second to proper fitting of the knee pad and the lower and upper strap is the ability to tighten the straps enough. In the left handed awkward position it is impossible for me to get the straps tight enough. It is a two person operation and shouldn't be. The upper strap maximum length is only 27 inches which, once the strap is inserted in the buckle, gives no excess strap to grab and pull in order to tighten. The straps fit into the buckles so tightly that removal is a major operation, again with two people. If you do not get the straps tight enough to prevent any movement of the beam on your leg, then you WILL fall. Period. This device must be so tight to the upper leg that it cannot move or you will fall. I spoke with a representative of the company and she told me that they are aware of the tightening issue and they are working on some changes. This tightening issue has been present and has been complained about for months. How difficult can it be to engineer a way to easily insert the straps and mechanically tighten them? I can go to my local hardware and buy two mechanical ratchet straps for $20 and they will work better then the existing straps. As I indicated in the title this product can be dangerous if not properly fitted and tightened, but the improper engineering of the product prevents me from doing either. I really believe the manufacturer has had plenty of time to correct these issues. Lengthening the upper strap is a no brainer and would cost very little to do so. The concept of the crutch is good, but be careful. The price is too high for this product.

  • Hayden Mitchell - Highly recommended

    I love this protector. I have had a bit of trouble in the past dealing with bubbles in my protectors. This one was the first that I've had zero bubbles. I will absolutely go to these guys in the future

  • Alapaki Gomes - Essential gear for your BOB dual stroller!

    Well worth the money! Fits perfectly with our KeyFit30 car seat, which has been through three previous children. Helps avoid the need to wake up baby to move him from the car to the stroller. Works exactly as advertised! Take it from the parents of five kids, five-years-old and under, get this to maximize the use of your BOB.