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  • Amazon Customer - Working product, but not perfect.

    This rack was a pain to assemble, as it is kind of difficult to align perfectly. There is some space on my front rack where I had stripped some threads and can no longer adjust. It works well, but I am uncertain if I would purchase again.

  • Joyful Heart - So Worth It

    These vids which are perfectly paced and organized are like a reference library of quick vids at your fingertips for accomplishing Excel tasks at 3 different skill levels. Great for a refresher or learning more advanced functions. I'm glad I made the investment to have these instructions at hand.

  • Jennifer and Thomas Hess - No Suds

    If you are looking for suds go else where, all three bottles we received didn't suds like the original. I use the original as bubble bath and was thinking this would do the same thing just smell like lavender. It doesn't. It also leaves more of a film than the original. So I will stick to what I know.

  • Colleen F. - I like so many others have tried every "miracle" product and ...

    Ok so I dont normally do reviews but for this product I feel I must. I got this product without high expectations. I like so many others have tried every "miracle" product and solution out there for years. None of course was the cure. As I aged I realized there is no miracle so I went into getting this product with eyes open. Years ago I had knee issues and had this same type therapy done at the pt office and know the general thoughts behind it. I also understand its not promising miracles. This belt is not about losing weight. Its about tightening and maintaining and abdominal muscle structure. This is probably one of the best investments I have made. I have a pretty severe case of diastasis recti from several surgeries and a ventral hernia and within a couple weeks of using this belt I began noticing a difference in the muscle structure. My large bulge is not as noticeable now. This belt has really helped. I wear it daily and am not even at max quite yet. Still only at the 130 power range so far. I would definately recommend this to those needing help with abdominal muscle integrity. For those thinking this will help them lose weight and is a "miracle " cure all, its not.

  • Angela M Boyle - daughter has loved it

    We bought this for my daughter who is 11 and it's perfect for her. The height is just right and she can use it for a few years!

  • MaryLou - Shame on you ELEMENT

    This is yet another case of a Black Friday bad deal. My daughter bought me this Element TV Christmas before last. It seemed to be fine until yesterday, I turned it on and we get sound but no picture. I am out of warrantee, so there's no use in calling the company but really! This TV should not be already trash! I hate adding to technology pollution. I see no other solution though because repair estimates are rediculous. I shouldn't have to be repairing a TV that's only 2 years old. I hate that it's going to make my daughter feel bad about such a nice thing she tried to do. ELEMENT's branding says "WE ARE REDEFINING AMERICAN QUALITY" Shame on you ELEMENT for doing just a poor job of it!

  • silky69 - Its One of Those Songs You Want to Hear Again.

    This song has a really good melody and beat. The vocals are great. It is one of Hearts more mellow songs sort of like Dog and Butterfly. It is one of those songs you keep coming back to hear again and again.