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City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • GatorDO17 - Works Great!!!

    I was looking for a simple indoor gauge to monitor humidity, because my nasal passages and eyes have been very dry recently and I am debating purchasing a humidifier. (I moved from Florida to Pennsylvania, and this is my first "real winter.") This little device was very easy to setup and works great! I didn't realize when I initially purchased it, but it not only tells you the current humidity level, but also the "high" and "low" reading for the last 24hrs. It provides this same information for the indoor temperature, as well, which is convenient because the only thermostat in the house we are renting is on the first floor, but we spend most of our time on the second floor (in other words, I use it to justify turning on my personal space heater when my boyfriend says it isn't "that cold" upstairs). :) Very useful little monitor!!

  • Silent E4gle - Fun games long load times

    Great console came cheap the day one console is just s ordinary Xbox one with a cool day one controller. The console itself is pretty big. Load times take forever about 30 minutes. The reason for the low

  • N. Graf - Pretty Good Stuff!

    I had a white haze on my two intables located on either side of my sofa from years of setting wet glasses, plates, food, etc. on the table tops. We're all guilty of placing a cold beverage or drink without using a coaster to protect the wood underneath. And after the fact, we all know how it is nearly impossible to get rid of those water rings and spots that damage the wood.