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  • FamilyOf4 - Love this!

    After seeing several beauty bloggers and youtubers use one of these, I knew I needed one so I could always capture a great selfie, even in the dimmest of lights. This fits perfectly onto my iPhone 6S Plus, even with a cover over it. It takes 2 triple A (AAA) batteries, which are not included. We always have a supply of AAAs because we have headphones in our van that take those, so that was pretty convenient. These are even great to use just indoors when you want better lighting. Where I'm sitting right now, if I wanted to take a selfie, it would turn out okay because I have a big window to the right of me. However, I never realized just how much better the photo would look with the selfie light on. It makes a big difference and makes your whole face light up rather than mostly on one side. If I were in any condition to post a public picture of myself I would, but since I'm not maybe I can come back and post a photo later when I actually look decent. So, give me a few days and I'll get a good picture showing the difference in the same daylight from the same spot. It truly makes a difference. This can make all the difference in the way that the photos you're posting to Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook can look. Go from a grainy, dim photo to a well-lit one and it can make you look more awake, more vibrant, and make the color in your cheeks and eyes show up more. It fits into your purse so you don't have to worry about where to put it after you use it. It clips right onto your phone like a clothespin or bag clip would, and doesn't plug into anything so you don't need to do anything except put batteries in it and it's ready to go on any phone. I love it and recommend it for sure!

  • Jen S - Good for keeping you regular!

    These pills are easy to take, and definitely make me feel as if my digestive system is becoming a little bit more balanced. My recommendation is to take them twice daily, one in the morning and one at night, with a large glass of water!

  • K. G. Reid - It Won't Install!!

    Stay away!! I have been on the phone forever with customer support. They have told me to do everything in world and it still won't install. My computer is windows 7 and I have been told to change every setting there is but nothing works. I have read the same thing about Nero as well. How do these companies stay in business?

  • snoopybelle - Use this book along with USMLE World.

    During the first 2 years of medical school, I really didn't study that much until it came time to study for step 1. Also, the school I attend really didn't prepare us well for step 1. I studied about 8 hours a day for 5 weeks and used First Aid along with USMLE World as my main sources. I also listened to Goljian Audio lectures during my daily jog. I went through First Aid twice and USMLE World once. I think this was enough for step 1. Each question gives you a few clues to the answer, if you can recognize atleast 1 or 2 of the clues, the answer is straighforward(most of the time). I ended up scoring 245/99. Using a bunch of other books really is a waste of time in 5 weeks of studying. Just concentrate on First Aid, USMLE World, and Goljian Audio. Hope this helps.