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  • Darcy Jones - It Works

    This really helps out my little one! She doesn't like the taste much. But it does help her "go".

  • SFVanDycks - Worked wonders for one month, then became an electrical fire hazard

    We bought this for one of our cats - 10 years old - who yells at us all night. It's annoying and we were desperate, and I'm sad to say that this did not resolve that issue. However, we have another cat - 15 years old - who has really struggled with the Meower since my husband and I blended our families about three years ago. We assumed they would never get along and bought her an amazing cat tree, which she gratefully used to hide from him. Within a few weeks of plugging in the Diffuser, however, we noticed that she was calmer and seemed happier. Now, after 1.5 months, she is playing with the Meower and they even share toys. It's nothing short of a Miracle.

  • Dave Gott - I absolutely love the vault within my center console

    I bought this product over 6 months ago and wanted to wait some time until I reviewed it. I absolutely love the vault within my center console. The installation was extremely easy, I am not tool savvy, yet it took me all of 15 minutes during sunset with little light. You do have the option of upgrading to a 4 combination lock, I think it was around 35 dollars extra. I am constantly throwing my sunglasses, wallet, and phone in there. If I had a girlfriend, I could probably use it to throw her clutch in there as the vault is quite spacious. Setting the original combination was also painless, and re-entry is fast. This product is extremely well made and provides me with the security of knowing when I am at the beach (which is every weekend), nothing in my car is in danger.