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    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • KymmLisa - Just ordered another bottle!

    After having skin cancer twice, from baking myself in the sun all my like, I've learned my lesson and switched to sunless tanners. I must have tried 10-15 different brands in the last two years! They all either smelled really bad, looked orange, or made a huge mess and transferred onto my clothing for days!! Then I tried Tan Physics after reading it was rated #1 by one of the beauty magazine I read. When it came I was hesitant to put it on, so it sat on my counter for a few days then I tried it and WOW this goes on just like lotion, you can see where it's going on, there are no streaks, no orange color and no transfer onto my clothing! Believe me if you want to try a self tanner, this is it!!

  • JonGP3 - 3 months and so far so good. I have pretty good power delivery already

    3 months and so far so good. I have pretty good power delivery already, so i bought this mainly for the UPS. It does what it's suppose to. Getting 45+ minutes of run time on a fairly beefy computer. (AMD 8core, 8GB RAM, 6 NAS Drives, 2 Video Cards, 24" LED Monitor). Got it for a steal during the Black Friday sale.

  • lisa mclean - It really works!

    This stuff really works! I couldn't believe how quick I started seeing results. I've only been using it for about a month and my hair has thickened up alot! Before, I couldn't wear my hair in a ponytail without my scalp showing and now you can't see my scalp at all when I pull my hair back! I'm sold! My hairdresser recommended it and It's a great product.

  • kazza - Not for wider width

    I have worn ASICS before with success, but these don't fit at all. I do have a wider foot, and perhaps it's the slip-on design that doesn't work for me, but I bought a 1/2 size larger to account for it and they are still way too tight. I'll be returning them, which is too bad, because they are very cute!

  • Los Angeles customer 4321 - Used for 3 months...didn't do much.

    I applied it on the infected nail after drying my feet after each shower. The nail became more white (not clear, like a healthy nail) and soft. So it was easy to cut, but when the nail continued to grow it never improved.

  • Alicia hicks - Overall I think this tea is good but took me very limited time to see results

    Overall I think this tea is good but took me very limited time to see results . I love the detail to the packaging and the tea tastes great aswell. I didn't have to wait long for it to arrive either. Recommend to all will buy again. I am pretty satisfied