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    Country:, Asia, CN

    City: 116.6947 Hebei, China

  • Anthony R. - Ho hum

    Ok but not what I expected. Got essentially the same info as on.the IRS website, Don't get me wrong though, was helpful, just not what I expected, could have simplified many of the rules and regulations further.

  • jmjgal - Blurb is misleading

    There should be a warning about the domestic violence and emotional abuse by the ex boyfriend!! It isn't graphic, but it is disturbing. This may be a better book than what I rated it, but it triggered an emotional response that made it difficult to read. Please warn readers of abuse in a book.

  • Richard H. Rothschild - ... beauty we have been collecting for some time and enjoy looking at the different styles and looks for years

    It's a beauty we have been collecting for some time and enjoy looking at the different styles and looks for years

  • John Walstrom - Overall Great System

    I did not purchase my Xbox One from Amazon, but I did buy the 1 TB version without the Kinect a little over a year ago. Overall I have been very happy with my Xbox One console. Setting the system up was very simple, and creating an account was also fairly painless.

  • Bobby Fischerman - Can't We All Just Get Along?

    I give this book five stars because it is by far the best treatise to date regarding the avoidance of huge ships. BUT C'MON, PEOPLE! Did you learn nothing in the sixties? Avoiding huge ships won't solve the problem. Separate but equal waterways only drives us further apart. It is the lack of understanding between the huge and non-huge vessel communities that lead to well-intentioned but misguided tomes such as this. We must begin a dialogue with our huge brethren. Remember--we are all floating on the same ocean. I have a dream... that one day ALL vessels will be judged not by their tonnage, but by the content of their cargo. Next time a huge vessel approaches, just ask yourself "WWPD?" (What would Popeye do?)

  • Caleb Dorsey - It makes a difference

    I have used RoC for years now and it does make a difference! I had to use it every other day at first. It is strong and the sides of my mouth nose and eyes would get irritated if I used it every day at first. Now I can use it nightly without difficulty. It does make me sensitive to the sun, but I was that way anyway. I am a 40 year old woman and very fair. It took over 6 months to really notice a difference. I really notice when I don't use it for a weak. My skin gets very tired looking and wrinkles are more noticeable. I don't mean they go away, just are minimized. The cream is light sensitive, so keep the cap on. I noticed it does get old and works less effectively, the longer I have it. I am talking months, though. I think I buy this about every 3-4 months and amazon has as good a deal as anyone.

  • Jon H. Thompson - Warning - for those taking heart or cancer medications

    This review is a caution about this black seed supplements based on my own experience. Last night I woke up with what felt like a sinus headache and slight nausea. I got out of bed and found that I also had a severe loss of balance. The next morning the headache persisted although my balance gradually returned. The pressure in my head felt like the result of a sugar or salt binge. I thought back to what I might have eaten the day before. The only thing different was the black seed capsules, which had recently arrived in the mail. I did a web search and found many glowing reports of the health benefits of black seed. However, I also found that the Livestrong web site has this to say about the side effects of Black Seed: “ seed can lower blood pressure to the point of hypotension, especially if you're currently taking a diuretic or antihypertensive medication. The drop in blood pressure impedes the transport of oxygen to the brain, heart and other organs. This can result in fatigue, nausea, blurred vision, shallow breathing, dizziness, lightheadedness and loss of consciousness. If blood pressure dips too low, it may be life-threatening.” Livestrong goes on to say, “Black seed is also known to adversely interact with both chemotherapy medications and radiation, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Since it may act like an antioxidant in the body, this herbal supplement can decrease the efficacy of standard cancer treatments.” Because I take a medication to lower my high blood pressure, I assume that the black seed lowered it even further, producing the noted effects. This is only a guess. I did not take the black seed this morning and by noon I was more or less back to normal, with only a slight headache. Those on cancer or heart medications might take note in case similar symptoms appear.