

Azur Energia | L'energia che conta - Azur Energia è un fornitore di servizi e prodotti nel campo delle misure elettriche, produce contatori e quadri elettrici ed effettua verifiche sul campo e in laboratorio ad uso commerciale e fiscale

  • Azur energia | Azur Energia - Azur Energia Srl ha iniziato la sua attività nel 1966 nel settore delle misure elettriche e oggi è affermata, a livello nazionale, per la verifica e certificazione delle apparecchiature e dei contatori a uso commerciale e fiscale
  • Servizi | Azur Energia - Azur Energia esegue la verifica e certificazione delle apparecchiature elettriche e contatori ad uso commerciale e fiscale
  • Contatore Monofase e Trifase | Azur Energia - Proposta dedicata ai birrifici con produzione annua non superiore ai 10.000 ettolitri
  • ​Clima. La Camera dice sì alla ratifica dell’Accordo di Parigi | Azur Energia - Per la ratifica dell’Italia manca ancora il voto del Senato. Il Wwf apprezza la celerità della Camera e sollecita l’altr...
  • ​Rifiuti. C’è troppo mercurio, l’inceneritore di Torino deve frenare | Azur Energia - Parte della spazzatura viene portata in discarica perché vi sono stati conferimenti indebiti di materiali contenenti mer...
  • ​Stati Generali del Sud, i 10 punti per sviluppare la raccolta differenziata di carta e cartone | Azur Energia - Dall’iniziative promossa a Napoli da Regione Campania e Comieco arrivano proposte concrete per colmare il gap di raccolt...
  • A2A acquisisce Consul System, prima ESCo indipendente italiana | Azur Energia - Per la prima volta un’utility acquisisce un’Energy Service Company (ESCo). Rilevata una quota del 75% per 21 milioni di ...

    Country:, Europe, ES

    City: -3.684 , Spain

  • Sandra K. Dudley - Best Read in a Long Time!

    Partial to the Joe Dillard series, I doubted anything could match it. I was pleasantly surprised to get to know Pratt's new character, Darren Scott. I absolutely could not stop reading, and I can't wait until the next book about Darren.

  • GI Jane - Very good product!

    My hair had been falling out excessively, prior to starting this brand of biotin. It fell out constantly, especially when I washed It. It was falling out to the point that I had to cut 8 inches off because it was looking very thin, and took prenatal vitamins daily. I saw a doctor and dermatologist, and neither one had a solution that I didn't already try, from vitamins, to new shampoo. I knew it wasn't chemical damage causing it to fall out, because I do not color my hair. After about 2 weeks of taking this once every night, I am now losing my hair at a normal rate of 40-100 hairs per day. After 1 month, I now have some new, short hair growth, particularly in the temples, which is very exciting, even though it's gray. I highly recommend this product to the folks with unexplainable hair loss. It can't hurt, it can only help. Added bonus, the product shipped quickly and my nails are much stronger too. I didn't notice any change in my skin however, as some people say that biotin aides in healthy skin. Hope this helps!

  • Tricia Recommends - I haven't found a better product in 20 years of looking -

    A nurse in the cardiac care unit (don't worry - all is fine) of our local hospital checked my arm band and did a double take after looking at my age. She then asked me what I used on my skin. I told her I used Patricia Wexler "serum" - this great pink stuff in a jar. I am not sure she knew what I was talking about but I have to say, her asking me that made my day, after a scary night in the ER. I have been using this product for a couple of years and there is not a better thing on the market for dry sky. Yes, it is expensive but is fabulous. I agree with the less than four star review, it does not work that well on wrinkles, but it is the best product for the dry, arid CO weather.

  • JWLang2 - You Get What You Pay For

    I bought this install kit for a 1999 Ford Explorer. The kit does what it is intended however, it is cheaply made. The kit does not properly secure the radio in the console location and has a tendency to slip out of place on high acceleration. A fix for this is to super-glue the bracket to the console, (at least where the prongs are supposed to hold the bracket to the console). Just an FYI.

  • Sharon - You won't regret reading it.

    I was unsure if I should read this or not. I was afraid of what would be in the book. I read a few reviews and ended up buying the book. I was not disappointed. This book was well thought out and imaginative. I would suggest it to teens and above. It doesn't have graphic sex scenes and is interesting. I literally read this book straight through because it interested me that much.