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  • Jessica N. - Fantastic!

    I'm not entirely sure why my husband loves this stuff so much, I just know that he got out of the shower (at a B Resort next to Disney World) and was like "Buy this please, my hair feels amazing." I went on Amazon and bought the conditioner and shampoo and three months later he still loves the stuff. In 11 years, it's the first time he's cared about shampoo or conditioner :) It does smell nice and a bit like tea tree. His hair is soft and he has no dandruff.

  • M. T Young-Jones - It didn't. My nails actually became more brittle and ...

    It didn't. My nails actually became more brittle and kept splitting so I stopped taking it and trimmed my nails to the quick.

  • I AM BILL BIXBY - cheaper them then 1 from the dealer and work's just as good

    Work's like a charm! Only problem is that you have to dayum near be in the car to use it, but it not the remote's fault cause the one I got from the dealer is the same way!

  • Ronald Hinton - You need a real joint injury to notice results....

    I am a 100% disabled veteran with spinal fracture and long term joint-lock at the beltline. I drank a dozen cans in less than two weeks. My chiropractor was able to unlock a vertebrae that had not moved for years with a single adjustment. Apparently this product works.

  • Amazon Customer - If you have an older GFX card, you might want to wait until they patch a crashing issue.

    The three stars isn't my rating for the game, it's just a warning. My actual rating would be 4.5, but I haven't experienced much of the game.