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Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3422 Washington, United States

  • Stacks - Stopped working after 1 month

    I packed it in a duffel bag for a road trip and one 7 hour drive later, it stopped working. There wasn't a problem with the outlets, my phone charging, or the cable so it was just the adapter that gave. It worked as advertised for the month I had it and it was my backup charger so I didn't mishandle it or even use it that frequently.

  • Irina Zamiraylova - My GO TO cleanser

    This is my favorite cleanser. I have combination skin and ever since I started going to a spa that uses Eminence products, I've been hooked! I use this in the morning in combination with the Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant. At night I use it alone. I have almost little to no breakouts. I would definitely recommend this cleanser along with my other favorites - Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant, The Vanilla Latte and Cocoa Latte Tinted Moisturizers, the Tangerine Age Defying Night Cream and the Poppy Seed Microderm Polisher (which I do mix in with the Stone crop gel once or twice a week when I feel I need to exfoliate!)

  • WENDELL DENNISON - gave me a headache

    I started using this and after two week i was getting bad headaches stooped using it and no more Headache

  • Bmunny - Just the attitude adjustment I needed

    This book is full of both the practical advice you can implement today and the theory that supports it. All I can say is that Athol Kay has nailed it. I consider myself a smart, proud man that can figure out his own solutions but the mystery of unlocking my wife's sexual desire was a nut I couldn't crack. I was frustrated and angry with her until I read this book. Now I feel like the power and control are back in my hands. This book should be required reading for any man contemplating marriage or already in one.