www.traditionalherbs.com.au Review:


Traditional Herbal Remedies - Jennifer Webster NH - A Sydney based Naturopathic Herbalist with qualifications in Herbal Medicine, Iridology, Health Science and Nutrition. Specializing in Bach Flower Therapies and Wholistic Health to keep you Happy, Healthy and Herbal.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -122.9938 British Columbia, Canada

  • mercedes murdock - If your child has sensitive skin, this is definitely worth a try.

    Our baby has *very sensitive skin* and will break out in a rash if we don't use diaper cream with every diaper change. But it turns out he will also break out with any other creams, even ones listed for sensitive skin. This is the only diaper cream we use, and we have tried many, ones other moms swear by, and even several creams recommended on the Gimme The Good Stuff product reviews. If your child has sensitive skin, this is definitely worth a try.

  • MR R WILD - flea and tick remover

    I bought this as it was recommended as a great flea remover. I rubbed some on the back of daisys neck and it has worked wonders. The fleas are completely gone aswell as most of her hair ( no more malting on the sofa, yay). Only gave 4 stars though as the fleas have taken over the local supermarket and are plotting to take down the local council. But still as long as they are not in my house.