www.shannonfeely.com Review:


Naturopathic Doctor Shannon Feely in Vancouver, BC - Shannon provides nutrition, acupuncture, herbal medicine, lifestyle counseling, lab tests and homeopathy for women\'s health, digestive health, immune

  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/therapies/ Therapies | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - What is Naturopathic Medicine? Naturopathic Medicine, as it is taught in Canada, is a distinct system of health care that addresses the whole body and focuses
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/pediatrics/ Focus in Pediatric Health Naturopath Dr. Shannon Feely | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - My goal is to provide treatments and education to help a child experience their full potential and prevent health problems that I know can be avoided. My own
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/naturopath/ Dr. Shannon Feely. Naturopathic Doctor in West Vancouver | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Dr. Shannon treats with a range of alternative therapies. She focuses on: Weight Loss, Hormone Balancing, Digestive Issues, Women's Health, Eczema, Acne, Low
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/faq/ FAQ | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - How many appointments will I need? The number of appointments you need varies depending on your condition. This then determines the choice of therapies, such
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/hormone-balancing/ Hormone Balancing | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Hormones are one of the key factors that determine our state of health. An imbalance in any hormonal pathway can cause havoc to the rest of the body. This can
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/detoxing Detoxing | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Re-Balance with the Healthy Detoxing Program Improve your energy, digestion, hormone balance, weight and mood. Your body is constantly detoxing but can lack
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/sugar-cravings/ Sugar Cravings | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Cravings for sugar or refined carbohydrates are a result of complex hormonal and nutritional interactions. But these cravings are often easily eliminated once
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/low-energy/ Low Energy | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Fatigue and low energy can be a result of simple nutritional and lifestyle mistakes, to complex causes such as viral, toxins, immune and hormonal imbalances
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/digestion Digestion | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Quick fixes such as over the counter and prescription medications don’t address the real causes of constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, gas, gallbladder problems
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/eczema-acne Eczema & acne | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Eczema Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that is becoming increasingly common. It is frequently associated with respiratory allergies and
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/pms-and-painful-periods PMS and Painful periods | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - If you are like most women, you recognize that your period is coming by specific emotional and physical changes. These symptoms are a result of your nutrition
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/allergies Allergies | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Food allergies and sensitivities, hay fever and environmental allergies are separate conditions but they do have in common: inflammation and involvement of the
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/menopause/ Menopause | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Menopause naturally occurs when the ovaries no longer respond to stimulation from a gland in the brain. This means the ovaries start to secrete less oestrogen
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/therapies/laboratory-tests/ Laboratory Tests | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - When treating the underlying causes of dysfunction, rather than symptoms, it is often necessary to identify nutritional, metabolic, hormonal, toxic and gastro
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/conditions/anxiety Anxiety | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Anxiety can be caused by or made worse by a wide variety of factors from thyroid and other hormone imbalances to nutritional deficiencies. The treatment plan I
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/2012/04/why-you-should-not-potty-train-your-baby/ Why you should not potty train your baby… | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - In the article "A Doctor Responds: Don't Potty Train Your Baby" Steve Hodges, a pediatric urologist, explains why children before the age of 2 should not be
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/healthy-living-blog/maternity-leave Maternity Leave | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - I'm on maternity leave until April 2012. Until then, please see one of my colleagues at the Vancouver Wellness Centre.
  • http://www.shannonfeely.com/healthy-living-blog/preventing-car-sickness-for-your-kids Preventing car sickness for your kids | Shannon Feely, BSc, ND - Want to avoid using medication for motion sickness? I find it's often necessary to combine natural treatments, so try using these strategies together: Look

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  • Kalin Ivanov - The final mouse 2015

    The mouse fits my claw grip perfectly,but i think if the mouse was perhaps not that high infront would be even more perfect.Also the logo light is working randomly,after a few days.I really like the surf pads,they work perfectly on steel series Dex.

  • B. Perry - Huge improvement over cheap mouse pads

    I got tired of buying cheap mouse pads for two or three dollars each that would break down and leave residue on the desk after several months. The quality of this mouse pad is much higher then you'll get for a quarter of the price, as you'd expect, and I anticipate it'll easily last me 4x as long.

  • apollolaan - Could not stop until finished

    Much better than watching the presidential TV debates or CNN commentaries. One thing that I missed was any comment on the true government debt (fiscal gap) along the lines developed by Laurence Kotlikoff. Otherwise lots of interesting comparisons - for example that the decline in average income over the last 16 years is worse than that in the Great Depression (when adjusted by Stockman's measure of inflation and not the CPI) or the comments on the decline of the number of "breadwinner jobs". Nice to see a libertarian analysis without the dogma of the benefits of 100% free trade. A lot of other interesting bits of history from the 70s and 80s (for example how the Iranian nuclear program started).

  • jimmyfergus - Very good, plenty of room for improvement

    (After a few months with this, I upped the rating to 4* from 3. I like it a lot; not perfect, but a very useful bag)