www.princetonrheumatology.com Review:


Rheumatology Center of Princeton - Our mission is to be a center of excellence in the diagnosis and care of individuals with rheumatic diseases, in the development of new medical treatments, and to make ourselves a resource in the education of our patients, the medical community and the public.

  • http://www.princetonrheumatology.com/areasofpractice.html Areas of Practice at the Rheumatology Center of Princeton - We practice in the areas of Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyma Disease, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Sjögren's Syndrome, Soft Tissue Rheumatic Syndromes and Psoriatic Arthritis
  • http://www.princetonrheumatology.com/services.html Education and Teaching - For patients making their first appointment, we suggest that you contact us by phone at 609-896-2505. Also feel free to stop by our office. If you are flexible, we can generally see you in a matter of days.
  • http://www.princetonrheumatology.com/preventativetreatments.html Preventative Treatments suggested by the Rheumatology Center of Princeton - New treatments for rheumatoid arthritis groundbreaking new therapies are changing the course of treatment and offer new hope for pain relief and the potential for joint healing.
  • http://www.princetonrheumatology.com/whenyoushouldseeus.html When You Should See the Rheumatology Center of Princeton - A rheumatologist is a specialist physician trained and experienced in the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles, and bones, as well as many types of autoimmune diseases.
  • http://www.princetonrheumatology.com/contact.html Contact the Rheumatology Center of Princeton - 3100 Princeton Pike Building 3, Suite D Lawerenceville 08648 Phone Number: 609-896-2505

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -90.1922 Missouri, United States

  • Alla Gorenbeyn - Does Not Support QIF file transfer

    I bought this product as I needed to convert from Microsoft Money. While a lot about it is different, it did not take long to transfer my file from Money to Quicken nor learn how to operate the new software. However, it does not support QIF file data transfer from financial institutions. It may be logical to not support relatively archaeic file system, but two of my banks where I do lots of transactions do not allow for any other format, so short of entering transactions manually I have no use of Quicken. Very disappointed!!! Will have to stick around with Microsoft Money till 2011. I will see then if other options become available or if perhaps my banks upgrade thier reporting methods. IOf anyone knows how to run around this, please let me know

  • Jvette - Nice Treadmill

    This is a replacement treadmill for one I have had for 9 years. I walk about 3 miles per day and needed a good sturdy treadmill. I looked at many brands before deciding on this one. First like everyone else has said on here, This THING IS HEAVY. It took myself and my 20 year old son to get it in the house and it wasn't easy. Once we got it to the place we wanted to set it up and opened the box all the parts were there nicely wrapped in plastic. I opened the instructions and they weren't very helpful so I went to the web site and looked at them on there. You could see the drawings much better and tell where everything went. I'm pretty good at putting things together but this was a challenge at times. I agree with others that some of the bolt holes didn't line up real well and you had to work with them. One of the plastic pieces didn't fit very well but that was about it. The wires that have to be hooked up need to be routed for you in a better way. You can pinch them real easy and have a problem. Just be careful and take your time. It took us about an hour to put it together.

  • Amazon Customer - Went on pretty easy except one shoe

    Not Mopar. Package says Moprr. False advertising. Went on pretty easy except one shoe. The one shoe didn't fit the rail.

  • Anne - revolting flavor

    I ordered this product based on all the rave reviews. What a disappointment. The flavor is so disgustingly sweet and minty, it is absolutely revolting. Like liquid, super sweet chewing gum. I definitely would not recommend it to anyone, and I would not order again unless the formula is changed to one without any sweeteners and flavorings.

  • A.Ce - These shoes are lightweight and very comfortable. I can wear them for hours at a ...

    Living in NYC I walk everywhere. These shoes are lightweight and very comfortable. I can wear them for hours at a time and have done 6+miles at a time in them. Also, light enough to keep in my bag when I need to quick change into something more comfortable.

  • Texas Rose - Deep, Exciting, Wild, and Mind Blowing !!!

    Mr Horn once again nails it ! You need an open mind to comprehend what is BEHIND all the "public" information.