www.plus4.co.nz Review:


Plus4 Insurance Solutions | - We’ll help you protect the most important people in your life with the best insurance available. At Plus4 we put people before policies. That means, before we

  • http://www.plus4.co.nz/about-us/ About Us | Plus4 Insurance Solutions - Plus4 is a business designed to back you up. No ifs. No buts. Our entire business model has been crafted to deliver you the best insurance policy solutions. We
  • http://www.plus4.co.nz/products/ Products | Plus4 Insurance Solutions - The very last thing we’re about is insurance. Once we clearly establish your protection requirements we then analyse products in that category, say Life
  • http://www.plus4.co.nz/contact-us/ Contact Us | Plus4 Insurance Solutions - Please don’t hesitate to contact us, to discuss your requirements, or to find out more about the PlusFour difference. You can either use the form below, or

    Country:, Oceania, NZ

    City: 174.7667 Auckland, New Zealand

  • Rockharpered - Cool!

    This stuff is really cool. It doesn't taste like anything, and it truly does clean and whiten your teeth. I really enjoy using it. It can be messy, but as some have suggested, using it in the shower might be the best way to avoid having to clean your sink.

  • meltill88 - Works really great!!

    I bought this product close to a month ago for my yorkie. He is only a little over a year but I started seeing plaque build up on his teeth and started worrying about how expensive dental teeth cleaning would be at the vet. I'm a college student so i'm always worried about money. Anyways I went to my local holistic dog food store and asked if they had doggie toothpaste and toothbrushes. They recommended this product and I thought great, my yorkie is super hyper and a pain he'll never let me brush his teeth but maybe he'll let me put this gel on his teeth. Although it takes some determination we use this every night except for a few times and I truly think I have seen results. His teeth weren't too bad to start off with but I definitely have seen some reduction in plaque on his canines and i'm pretty sure his molars aren't as bad either. I would definitely recommend this product because its super easy to use and all you have to remember is no food or water for 1 hr before and 1 hr after.

  • Breia - Fun for the whole family

    Finally we've found a game that we all enjoy. It keeps me moving and it is fun as well. Now if I could only get a better rhythm I might actually get good at the game.