www.ottiti.net Review:

Accueil, habitation et hébergement avec services - OTTÍTI - Hébergement avec services - Accueil du site OTTÍTI visant le partage de l'expertise et du savoir-faire en matière d'hébergement avec services pour les personnes en déficit d'autonomie

  • http://www.ottiti.net/restez-en-contact/ Abonnez-vous gratuitement - Hébergement avec services - S'inscrire à la liste d'envois d'OTTÍTI signifie que vous souhaitez recevoir une infolettre pour vous tenir informés des nouveautés sur le site.
  • http://www.ottiti.net/ottiti/mission/ Mission - Hébergement avec services - La mission d'OTTÍTI est de faciliter le partage d'expertise et d'expériences pour favoriser l'amélioration continue de la qualité de services d'hébergement.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Trzebs - Formal, casual it fits any situation

    I've had this since December and it is one of my most favorite pieces of clothing ever. It really does fit any situation; I can wear it to more formal places and simultaneously I can wear it in casual settings among friends as well, even my mom likes it. Too bad it's starting to get hot up where I live otherwise I'd be wearing it constantly. I gotta give credit to Kuhl for consistently making such nice apparel. Sometimes their stuff can get pricey, but it is one of those you get what you pay for situations and Kuhl definitely makes material worth your money-quality over quantity. That being said I've amassed quite a quantity of Kuhl apparel over the years :).

  • Spaced Out - Bunk

    Figured we'd save face value sticker price at a headshop and check for this brand on Amazon, and that was certainly the case. The problem was it didn't work at all, this was verified with a $10 set of tester strips also purchased on Amazon, the cheap kind you might drop on an unsuspecting adolescent. If one of those cheap strips flagged positive, I wouldn't want to bet much on the "detoxifying" nature of this product in more rigorous testing environments. Caveat Emptor

  • StriderORG - Excellent

    This is a great set for everyday medium use. (Haven't had a chance to use it in extreme conditions.) After a few days of use, I ordered a second set to keep in the truck. The shape of the handle feels a bit awkward on the hand and did take some getting used to but non the less this is a good set for the price, an excellent set for the reduced price.

  • Amazon Customer - MAJRET

    I really like this product it is in a nice container I like how it's a pump and you don't have to pick it up and get the product all over yourself it is very smooth as you put it on your face and make your face feel nice no awkward smells or it doesn't burn your eyes.

  • Negril Jerry - 1-star product gets 5 star reviews?

    75 1-star reviews, at least half of which begin with "I wish I could give it zero stars!", and then there's the 14 5-star reviews - how to explain that? It's very simple: the 4- and 5-star reviews are SHILLS, paid by the seller to puff up this unbelievably useless product. This is nothing short of FRAUD, and sooner or later some state's attorney general will hit them with a cease and desist order.