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  • Lisa M Smith - Chronically Ill & notice a difference in my energy, muscle tone & digestion. I will not run out of this!

    I have a chronic illness w/ food intolerances & have been using this product for a year. I definitely notice a difference in my energy & well-being, as well as others noticing too.

  • Samuel R. Aldrete - Dangerous Advise for Kidney Stones!!!

    I am a kidney stone patient, after a couple of medium stones spread over 4 years I decided to follow Mr. Wallachs advice and started with agressive calcium supplementation, like he recommends, after 2 years I ended up with two big stones [one on each kidney] and several smaller stones on BOTH kidneys

  • crista goldbaum - Does not work I've been a pot smoker for a ...

    Does not work I've been a pot smoker for a year then stopped for a month to take a drug test I drank two of them one to try at home and failed my home test and second right before my actual test and still failed I'm 138lbs woman about 5 foot 6

  • Michael - Scared of dancing? So was I..

    Truth time - Dancing has always made me self-conscious, whether that is in a public setting or privately.

  • Nichole J. - dr.perricone exspensive but so worth it.

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