www.hathawaysurgery.co.uk Review:

Hathaway Medical Centre - Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more - Hathaway Medical Centre 32 New Road (Branch Surgery),Chippenham,Wiltshire SN15 1HP, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more

  • http://www.hathawaysurgery.co.uk/opening-times.aspx Hathaway Medical Centre - Doctors surgery opening times and what to do when we are closed - Hathaway Medical Centre - Doctors surgery opening times and what to do when we are closed
  • http://www.hathawaysurgery.co.uk/making-appointments.aspx Hathaway Medical Centre - How to make an appointment to see your doctor or nurse at the surgery - Hathaway Medical Centre - How to make an appointment to see your doctor or nurse at the surgery
  • http://www.hathawaysurgery.co.uk/prescriptions.aspx Hathaway Medical Centre - How to order your repeat medications from the doctors surgery - Hathaway Medical Centre - How to order your repeat medications from the doctors surgery
  • http://www.hathawaysurgery.co.uk/clinics-and-services.aspx Hathaway Medical Centre - The clinics and other services offered by our doctors surgery - Hathaway Medical Centre - The clinics and other services offered by our doctors surgery
  • http://www.hathawaysurgery.co.uk/new-patients.aspx Hathaway Medical Centre - Information for new patients wishing to join the doctors surgery - Hathaway Medical Centre - Information for new patients wishing to join the doctors surgery
  • http://www.hathawaysurgery.co.uk/ppg.aspx Patient Participation Group - Hathaway Medical Centre,Hathaway Medical Centre,Middlefield Road,Chippenham,Wiltshire,SN14 6GT,doctors Hathaway Medical Centre,doctors Middlefield Road,doctors Chippenham,doctors Wiltshire,Hathaway (branch) Surgery,32 New Road (Branch Surgery),Chippenham,Wiltshire,SN15 1HP,doctors 32 New Road (Branch Surgery),doctors Chippenham,doctors Wiltshire,gp,GP,doctor,doctors,medical centre,health centre,mysurgerywebsite,surgery website,nurse,practice,dentist,dentists,dental

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  • retired consumer 999 - They could do much better!

    Installation was fairly simple and the initial account download went fine. However,the next account update would not import three items listed on the bank site for the 15th. The next day it down loaded only the 16th and still skipped the 15th's items. An email to customer support yielded a response from someone whose first language is definitely not English. The response danced all around but did not provide any help in getting the items of the 15th imported. The obvious next item on MY list was to uninstall quicken and remove the default file folder, which went fine and I reinstalled the software. So far, in 8 days it is downloading what my bank shows, but if I can not completely trust the download then I might just as well go back to using my excel spreadsheet which has worked without any flaws for three years, it just requires that I work on two displays to do manual updates. I have never had a positive experience with off shore customer service, so next time quicken goofs-up, it is GONE!

  • Pestilence - Tipped off by another review, I requested a student ...

    Tipped off by another review, I requested a student license and am eagerly awaiting a chance to use the software for a side project I'm researching. - I'll update this review after I have had a chance to use the software, but customer service was exceptionally fast in responding to my initial email!

  • DONNA C. - great book

    understand the meanings and give examples. hope I pass the test form using this book. wish it gave a little more.

  • Vickado - Kitty Pan Worries are over!

    I am amazed how this works!!! I picked it up because someone told me to use it on my litter boxes for my cats and Wow! The litter doesn;t stick to the bottom of the pans anymore. Be careful and follow directions closely. They are not kidding when they say step one and step two and the 30 minutes in between! Smells strongly like spray paint. Use outdoors!

  • Lisa A. Jones - Finally happy with one face product

    I bought this based on other's reviews and glad I did. I'm on my second bottle and am noticing a marked difference in my skin. The "parenthesis" around my mouth is softening and my face just looks healthier.

  • R. Johnson - This book could be your best health investment ever!

    This book takes us back to a foundational reason that most of us may have suffered from chronic disease. It's comforting and intriguing that part of the solution may be so easy and inexpensive to implement. Buy the book and read it. It may be the best investment you could ever make in your current and future health.

  • Rosiland R Dupont - The only way to loose weight and feel good

    This diet really works and you feel great! No hunger pangs, and little to no temptation to "cheat". I've tried a multitude of diets and ways of eating (HCG, Paleo, Low-Carb, Atkins, etc.) and this one has me feeling the best. Having plenty of experience in low carb diets, and not much of a sugar addict, it was easy enough to adapt to. The best are his smoothies, for breakfast. Unlike most smoothie recipes, which are heavy in fruits i.e. bananas, his include low glycemic fruits and plenty of nuts and superfoods (chia and hemp seeds ). They are all very filling, As a matter of fact they are so filling that one recipe meant only for breakfast, I usually have half for breakfast and the other half at lunch. Makes my work lunch preparation that much easier!