www.farmaceuticosmundi.org Review:

FARMAMUNDI - La ONG del Medicamento - Somos una ONG de cooperación al desarrollo, acción humanitaria y de emergencia que nace en 1991 para asegurar que la salud sea un derecho universal.

  • http://www.farmaceuticosmundi.org/farmamundi/fr/ FARMAMUNDI - La ONG del Medicamento - Somos una ONG de cooperación al desarrollo, acción humanitaria y de emergencia que nace en 1991 para asegurar que la salud sea un derecho universal.

    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3387 , France

  • Alex - So far so good

    So I'm a hairstylist and I've always been taught "good quality shampoo and conditioner and good quality styling products" and your hair will be fine. But after talking with a few of my clients who use WEN I decided to do a little bit of research on the product that's when I found Hair One.

  • soccermom - Good choice

    Truthfully I wasn't sure what to expect. I am glad I took the chance to read the book! It has an interesting build up between characters and a twist that wasn't expected. I enjoyed the book very much a and I look forward to reading the next one.

  • L. Garnett - ZetaClear

    Zetaclear does not work at all. I used it for 8 months and no effect. This is a total waste of money and you get only a portion of your money back if you try to return it.