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  • Michael Cooke - Nothing Sticks to These!

    To make this easier to read, I've listed pro's and con's with a more detailed review below. Hope this helps!

  • A. Paulson - Beautiful crystal

    Swarovski always has beautiful snowflakes in December and this one is no exception. It just sparkles when the light hits it.

  • Brandon Stayner - Works Great

    I am not a big supplement person, but after noticing I felt really weak and tired after workouts, I knew I needed something to refuel my body and the usual glass of chocolate milk wasn't doing it. After finishing a brutal Crossfit workout that involved over 70 push presses at 115 lbs as well as several dozen 50 meter shuttle runs, I stumbled over to my shaker bottle and mixed the HALO with about 20 oz of water (they recommend 10, and while this makes it taste great, I found it hard to mix and digest with so little water) I immediately felt better. I didn't have massive food cravings or the usual soreness I have after workouts. I also get terrible exercise induced insomnia due to a lack of glycogen and this helped me sleep like a baby. Perhaps the best thing about HALO is the fact it has everything I need in one mixture, I don't have to mix BCAAs in one bottle, Casein protein in another, and dextrose in another. I am a bigger guy and find that MusclePharm Assault pre-workout, Muscletech Halo immediately after workout, and MusclePharm Arnold Series Iron Dream, right before bed, has allowed me the energy to not only work out several times a week but also allowed me to sleep like a baby.