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  • TPGulch - This can be a dangerous product

    I'm having surgery on my left foot in a week so I needed to find an easy to to climb stairs as I live in a motor home. This iWalkFree appeared to be the perfect solution for the six to eight weeks I will be no weight bearing on that foot. This review will pretty much repeat what others have said about the "unfinished" aspects of the crutch. I have had the crutch about 4 days and have been practicing as much as possible before surgery. While practicing I am using standard crutches to keep my balance. Contrary to what is stated on their website, the learning curve is going to be quite lengthy. I am a big man, 6'2" and have a large circumference upper thigh. In fact, I'm about the limit to size capability of the product. I am right handed and as I need to attach the product to my left leg then the fitting and tightening of the straps is quite awkward. Second to proper fitting of the knee pad and the lower and upper strap is the ability to tighten the straps enough. In the left handed awkward position it is impossible for me to get the straps tight enough. It is a two person operation and shouldn't be. The upper strap maximum length is only 27 inches which, once the strap is inserted in the buckle, gives no excess strap to grab and pull in order to tighten. The straps fit into the buckles so tightly that removal is a major operation, again with two people. If you do not get the straps tight enough to prevent any movement of the beam on your leg, then you WILL fall. Period. This device must be so tight to the upper leg that it cannot move or you will fall. I spoke with a representative of the company and she told me that they are aware of the tightening issue and they are working on some changes. This tightening issue has been present and has been complained about for months. How difficult can it be to engineer a way to easily insert the straps and mechanically tighten them? I can go to my local hardware and buy two mechanical ratchet straps for $20 and they will work better then the existing straps. As I indicated in the title this product can be dangerous if not properly fitted and tightened, but the improper engineering of the product prevents me from doing either. I really believe the manufacturer has had plenty of time to correct these issues. Lengthening the upper strap is a no brainer and would cost very little to do so. The concept of the crutch is good, but be careful. The price is too high for this product.

  • happymama - LOVE it, wish I bought it sooner

    Awesome! I wish I had bought it sooner. I bought it for my second son, same stroller. I love it, and so does he. The snack tray part snaps out so you can wash it without removing the whole bar. It is solid, quality plastic so it won't easily crack with use. Another great UppaBaby product.

  • Melanie - Love it!

    It's such a sweet, timeless story of love and acceptance. The illustrations are beautiful with many precious details. I can't wait to share it with my grandchildren!

  • sandrsmom - NOT for the mature woman!

    Being female I was naturally attracted to "BIC for her" (who can resist those pastels?!). Yet, these pens were somewhat of a disappointment. As a more mature woman, I am currently experiencing the symptoms of menopause. I can be in a perfectly good mood while writing a letter and without warning, in mid sentence, I will become so angry that I find myself using such excessive pressure on my pen that it shatters! Then there are the hot flashes, my hands became so sweaty that I could not keep a hold of that slim design, plus the ink smeared! Perhaps in your next endeavors, a "Female BIC for the mature" with a non-slip, steel reinforced grip, waterproof ink and a built in fan could find it's way onto the market!

  • fredamans - Pretty cool!

    The hubby and I watched it together. It was better than we both expected it to be. Reading the initial reviews, the movie didn't sound very promising at all. I think they may have gone into watching the movie and expecting way too much. That happens a lot though when following such an iconic first film.

  • Kelly A. Garbato - Great for hardwood floors!

    I live with two dogs and a cat, all of which shed like mad. Before finding the Swiffer, I had to lug the vacuum around and use the extension to suck all the fur off of my hardwood floors - and that didn't even pick up most of the hair. Now, I use the Swiffer twice a week and my floors are hair-free. Granted, the pads tend to fill with hair quickly, and I end up going through two each time I clean the house. To extend their life, I pick large clumps of hair off the pad as I go and use both sides of each pad as well. They're also great for dusting (no cleaning solutions required), and sometimes I'll use the pads for light dusting and then clean the floors with them. The Swiffer is great for cleaning those hard-to-reach places, too - especially under the bed. I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 because it's not quite as good picking up dirt - it can tend to just push the dirt around. But overall, it's certainly better than using a broom!