www.amberusa.com Review:

Amber Diagnostics: Used and Refurbished Radiology Equipment - Amber Diagnostics buys and sells used and refurbished radiology equipment MRI, CT, C-Arm, X-Ray, Mammography and Urology Systems

  • http://www.amberusa.com/contact Contact Us: Get info on MRI, CT, C-Arm, X-Ray radiology equipment. - Amber Diagnostics buys and sells used and refurbished radiology equipment. Inquire here for your MRI, CT, C-Arm, X-Ray, Mammography, Urology System needs.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ Sell Equipment: Sell MRI, CT, C-Arm, X-Ray, Mammography Systems - Amber Diagnostics buys and sells MRI, CT, C-Arm, X-Ray, Mammography Systems. Inquire on selling your MRI, CT, C-Arm, X-Ray, Mammography, Urology System.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/ MRI Systems: Extremity, Open, Stand Up and Mobile 1.0 - 3.0T - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems from 1.0 - 3.0T, extremity, open, stand up and mobile. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/1t/ MRI Systems: 1.0T Philips, Picker, Siemens, GE - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems 1.0T by Philips, Picker, GE and Siemens. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/1-5t/ MRI Systems: 1.5T Philips, Toshiba, GE, Hitachi and Siemens - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems 1.5T by Philips, Toshiba, GE, Hitachi and Siemens. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/3-0t/ MRI Systems: 3.0T Philips, Siemens, Toshiba and GE - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems 3.0T by Philips, Siemens, Toshiba and GE. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/extremity/ MRI Systems: Extremity ONI, and Esaote - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems Extremity by ONI, and Esaote. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/open/ MRI Systems: Open Philips, Siemens, Toshiba, GE, and Hitachi - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems Open by Philips, Siemens, Toshiba, GE, and Hitachi. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/standup/ MRI Systems: Stand Up Fonar - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems Stand Up Fonar. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/mri/mobile/ MRI Systems: Mobile Philips, Siemens, and GE - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished MRI systems Mobile by Philips, Siemens, and GE. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct Used CT Scanner, Computed Tomography, CT Machine, CT Scanner - Used CT Scanner, CT Scanning, Preowned CT Scanner, CT Scan Equipment, GE CT Scanner, refurbished, deinstalled, installed and delivered by Amber Diagnostics
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/single-slice/ CT Scanners: 1.0T Philips, Picker, Siemens - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners systems 1.0T by Philips, Picker and Siemens. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/dual-slice/ CT Scanners: 2.0T GE, Siemens - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 2.0T by GE, Siemens. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/4-slice/ CT Scanners: 4 Slice GE, Philips, Siemens, Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 4 Slice by GE, Philips, Siemens and Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/6-slice/ CT Scanners: 6 Slice Philips, Siemens - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 6 Slice by Philips and Siemens. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/8-slice/ CT Scanners: 8 Slice GE, Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 8 Slice by GE and Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/10-slice/ CT Scanners: 10 Slice Philips - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 10 Slice by Philips. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/16-slice/ CT Scanners: 16 Slice GE, Philips, Siemens, Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 16 Slice by GE, Philips, Siemens, and Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/24-slice/ CT Scanners: 24 Slice Siemens - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 24 Slice by Siemens. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/32-slice/ CT Scanners: 32 Slice GE, Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 32 Slice by GE and Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/40-slice/ CT Scanners: 40 Slice Philips, Toshiba, Siemens - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 40 Slice by Philips, Toshiba, and Siemens. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/64-slice/ CT Scanners: 64 Slice GE, Philips, Siemens, Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 64 Slice by GE, Philips, Siemens, and Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/80-slice/ CT Scanners: 80 Slice Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 80 Slice by Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/128-slice/ CT Scanners: 128 Slice Philips, Siemens, GE - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 128 Slice by Philips, Siemens, GE. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/160-slice/ CT Scanners: 160 Slice Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 160 Slice by Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/256-slice/ CT Scanners: 256 Slice Philips - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 256 Slice by Philips. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/ct/320-slice/ CT Scanners: 320 Slice Toshiba - Amber Diagnostics sells used and refurbished CT Scanners 320 Slice by Toshiba. We source, refurbish, deliver and install.
  • http://www.amberusa.com/equipment/pet-ct/ Used PET/CT, Refurbished PET/CT, Mobile PET/CT, PET/CT Scanner - Used PET/CT, Mobile PET/CT, PET/CT, PET/CT Machine, PET/CT Scanner, GE PET/CT, refurbished, deinstalled, installed and delivered by Amber Diagnostics

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -95.4739 Texas, United States

  • MsNick - Worked for my military PT test!

    I was concerned about my waist measurement for my upcoming PT test. I got lots of advice once I voiced concern. One being use Preparation H...so I did for my practice test. My waist was measured at 35...but all other components were less than I knew I could score! I barely passed the practice test.

  • LGAGS - My second Casper

    I bought a twin Casper for my daughter last year and 8 months later just bought a full for our spare room. We are very pleased with the quality and comfort. I consider this mattress to be medium firm. The 100 days of use with no questions asked makes it a no brainier. The affirm payment is super easy and zero interest. This is a great deal , I also own a m7 sleep number and an original temperpedic, this mattress competes

  • Orangeknockout - this stuff really works!

    this stuff is amazing man! I was suffering from tonsil stones also and the dreaded "poop breath"; I did everything I could to remove the smell; I would literally brush my teeth and scrub my tongue for half an hour, just to make sure I cleaned out all the gunk! it still wasn't enough! I was kissing a girl the other day and she said my breath stank! it frusterated the s*** out of me because I would spend so much time brushing my teeth and tongue! the final straw came when I was brushing my teeth and I coughed out a white ball; I remembered coughing up a white ball when I was 13 and I remembered it smelling like s***! after hours of researching I finally found out they were tonsil stones and I learned that tonsil stones were a major cause of bad breath! thank god I finally found out what was giving me bad breath all this time! now I had to get to the next hardest part.... finding the cure to it! after about a week of research and stinky breath-ness I finally came across therabreath! praise the lord! hallejujah! lol

  • ToxicSqualligist - Works but very greesy!

    I started using when I was 22. I had diffuse thinning, a noticable bald patch at the vernex, a receeding hairline and the typical temple hair loss. After the first two weeks, I would say about 25% of my remaining hair fell out and about 2 weeks after that I noticed the original hair I lost was growing back along with lots and lots of peach fuzz. 6 months on and some of the peach fuzz had turned to small, thick black hairs, 12 months on them hairs were like normal hair. Basically the product stopped hairloss, grew back the hair I had lost recently and grew back some of the hair that had been lost for a couple of years and thickened up the rest of my hair! The only drawback is that since it is so greasy, it does not dry fully and can transfer to your pillow causing a big bushy set of eyebrows to be formed and your hair looks kinda dirty and greasy!