www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl Review:

het Alternatieve Geneeswijzen Overzicht - artsen, therapeuten en praktijken - Overzicht van alternatieve geneeswijzen en praktijken. Ook bekend als integrale geneeskunde, natuurlijke geneeswijzen, complementaire geneeskunde en additieve geneeskunde. Beroepsverenigingen, zorgverzekeraars en vergoedingen, alles overzichtelijk in beeld.

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  • http://www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl/agenda/ Workshops, Seminars, Clinics en Open dagen over alternatieve geneeswijzen - Kalender met een overzicht van workshops, seminars, clinics en open dagen die betrekking hebben op alternatieve geneeswijzen.
  • http://www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl/extra_info/ Overzicht van beroepsverenigingen, opleidingen, open dagen en organisaties in de alternatieve geneeswijzen - Overzicht van beroepsverenigingen, opleidingen, cursussen en open dagen in de alternatieve geneeskunde. Patientenverenigingen en beroepsverenigingen in Nederland.
  • http://www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl/psychologie Verschillende soorten psychologie, het ontstaan en de toepassingen. - Overzicht van verschillende soorten psychologie en hun ontstaan. Jungiaanse analytische therapie, Freudiaanse psychoanalyse, Rogeriaanse therapie, Humanistische therapie, Gestalttherapie en Analytische Psychologie.
  • http://www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl/geneeswijze/alexandertechniek/ Informatiepagina over alternatieve geneeswijze Alexandertechniek - Alexandertechniek is een praktische en effectieve methode, waarbij we ons bewust worden van onnodige spierspanning en ongewenste houdings- en bewegingspatronen....
  • http://www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl/star_remedies Bloesem remedies van Star Remedies - Bach Rescue en Bloesem remedies van Star Remedies online bestellen en afrekenen.
  • http://www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl/ainsworths Ainsworths - Bach Bloesem Remedies - De gehele Ainsworths Bloesem collectie en Bach Rescue Remedy in een overzichtelijke webshop
  • http://www.alternatievegeneeswijzen-overzicht.nl/beroepsorganisaties/86/nederlandse_vereniging_voor_mesologie__nvvm.html NVVM - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Mesologie - De Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Mesologie (NVVM) is een beroepsorganisatie, welke mesologen in zich verenigt, die voldoen aan vastgestelde voorwaarden. Zij...

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  • Paulette - Word 2010

    I went back to Word 2003. I absolute hate Word 2010. I might have to use it in the future for my job. I hope not . . .

  • Lola A. Zunker - 23+ years and still happy

    I have used Peachtree, which became Sage since 1991 and am very happy with the product. I do have to pay for payroll tax updates but so does everyone using an accounting program. I do books for several small companies and over the years a couple of my clients have been audited by the IRS which was never a problem because I am able to print reports with ease and excellent audit trails.

  • duke - unable to use

    It send to me the web site to download the product, but I am unable to download. I have to buy the anti virus at best buy. Could you send me the refund for this product. Thank you very much.

  • Tiberius - Finally, a good story mixing a Roman military setting with elements of Fantasy! Solid plot, political intrigue, ancient mystery.

    Discovering this author for the first time, I was a bit sceptical about the mix between a Roman military history setting and Fantasy elements such as elves and magic. I was an avid role-player of D&D and other games in high school and most of university, and remain passionate about ancient military history and Roman Republic and Imperial warfare in particular. But previous attempts at mixing those worlds came very short of my simplest expectations. Not so with this series, and the customisations used by the author to adapt Roman practices to a fantasy universe really hit the spot. The book focuses on the scion of a noble imperial family after he's earned the rank of Captain in the hard northern war against the Rivan kingdom. Captain Ben Stiger is reassigned to the Southern Command to help quell a rebellion, and discovers an inept leadership and diseased and demoralised legions. He's assigned his own company of troops to run a convoy escort to a remote mountain fortress whose garrison seems to have been isolated by the rebels. Along the way, the determined officer trains his men back into an effective force, gets on the trail of a centennial mystery, and faces the minions of a dark god. His lieutenant Eli Far is actually an elven ranger, a fact which surprises most of the people they encounter as few elves venture out of Highborn society any more. The author does a good job of describing the physical features, motivations and coherent personality traits of the lead characters, and convey the gritty realities of legionary life and training very effectively. In this first book of the series, fantasy and magic only play a very minor role, and their progressive easing into the story makes it all the more engrossing given the plot twists they enable. The pace is steady, balancing world building and story telling with action scenes. An enjoyable Kindle discovery, look forward to reading the second book in the series!

  • Cousteau - easy to use, kept my hair from being dry in winter

    I used this shampoo/conditioner for a year and loved the change from using separate shampoo and conditioner. Just the time savings! But was helpful for my fine blond hair, kept it from feeling over dry. Lately I have used a similar product I found at CVS and I like it comes in three 'flavors'. The scents are so much nicer than Hair One, but it was the original that got my hair back into good shape!

  • Sewcrazy60 - AcuRite 613 Hunidity Monitor

    If you're looking for a nice looking, easy to read Humidity Monitor and don't care about accuracy, this is the unit to purchase. I bought two to keep track of humidity in different parts of homes I watch during the summer months in Florida. After installing new batteries in each, placing them next to each other over night, I had a temperature reading of each at exactly the same. The humidity between each other ranged from 4%-5% different. I contacted AcuRite about the humidity discrepancy and they said their units are guaranteed to be accurate between each other, up to 10%. If 10% is the best they can do, they need to get out of the humidity monitor department. If I knew these units were that inaccurate, I would never have bought them! I'll be looking for a more accurate company/model and purchase them. The old standard goes into effect here, "You Get What You Pay For". At $9.98 each and free shipping, I should have known better!