Review: - Argentina Contactos Trabajo - Trabajar en Argentina 2016 - Encuentra los últimos Empleo Argentina 2016 bien por ti. Utilizar recursos para buscar últimas oportunidades profesionales a Argentina y lanzar su carrera en Argentina.

Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6441 Illinois, United States

  • Samuel J Rosenberg - love the look.....but

    These look incredible!!! Really transforms the feel of the interior when you open the driver door. Jeep should make these standard from the factory, IMO. I would give it 5 stars, I'd give it 10 stars if the brake pedal wasn't so darn hard to put on. After wrestling w/ it for a good 45 minutes, I finally got it on there. Well worth the struggle, they look awesome!

  • Tara Sweeney - okay

    The game has good graphics but when I reached region 4, the game turned sour. My kindle began to freeze every time I tried to play region 4!!! Highly pissed!

  • Sarah - Review by someone who has had a FloBed longer than a year

    We are so disappointed with our FloBed. I suffer from fibromyalgia and during grad school I could no longer tolerate the pain that our traditional mattress left me in each morning.

  • Athelas - Caused More Work, Not Less

    I should have trusted the poor reviews the Scanner had already gotten. But the windows version got pretty good reviews so I thought I'd give it a try.

  • kthorst - Do NOT waste your time with Juice Plus

    Do NOT waste your time. GNC Ultra Mega Green has triple the benefits of Juice Plus and is less than half the cost. GNC's product contains 1,600 IU of vitamin D-3 for breast & bone health! Why waster your time with this product, at the high cost for zero benefits? . Feel great for less!. Plus you can get GNC product anywhere - online or in retail stores with GREAT customer service, unlike Juice Plus' high-priced pyramid scheme with VERY POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.

  • curtis - Fit and finish very good, ui decent it gets you places quickly but ...

    Fit and finish very good, ui decent it gets you places quickly but feels very archaic meaning android from 2009, 2010 era. Sound is very clean and clearI can see this device being made for classical music and for live instrumentation from acoustic music. But if you like listening to hip hop or r&b or EDM music YOU WILL NEED TO LOOK ELSEWHERE! I can't state that any stronger without using profanity. Hip hop music has a heavy in your face presence r& b vocals are very powerful, this device makes the powerful very tame, way too clinical for that type of music. The EQUALIZER DOES NOT WORK at least through 3.5mm jack or chord mojo dac. Chord Mojo connected to cellphones recognizes and responds accordingly to EQ from 3rd party apps but not from this player. For those who say that a device this expensive should only cater to neutral music as the artist intended, needs to get a clue, When you eat at even the finest restaurants they have salt and pepper and other condiments to season to taste if you prefer. If you want old people food with NO seasoning you will like this player. I was really excited about this player but after receiving and listening to it for awhile I have to say my Iphone and 3rd party apps sound BETTER to me with my Mojo and Audeze EL8 open back headphones especially because I can EQ to my bass flavored sound preference. This may seem like a rant but when are companies like this going to recognize hip hop as the lucrative business that it is, and before anyone tries to argue different look at the HUGE success Beats by Dre had on a inferior product. RECOGNIZE US TOO!!!