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  • celeste trepanier - Dog shampoo

    I like this shampoo, it goes a long way and smells good. Seems to help my dog to stop itching. Gave 4 stars because once the dog is washed, his hair is soft and clean for a few days, but seems to get heavy and thick after a few days so i need to wash him more frequently than with other shampoos.

  • J.M. Romero - Nothing else works for me.

    I spent a lot of time trying to get a certain look, which is hard to describe, out of digital art programs. I purchased Corel Painter 11, which has its uses (few, in my world), but I am NOT a computer techie, so many of the nuances of Painter made me want to scream. I still haven't made peace with that program; the term "buyer's remorse" keeps fighting its way to the front of my mind.