spiel-gestalter.de Review:


spiel-gestalter AG. Heute für Morgen. - spiel-gestalter ist Partner von Sportlern, Vereinen und Unternehmen für die Themen Beratung und Vermarktung. Klare Fokussierung für unsere Geschäftspartner.

Country:, Europe, DE

City: 9.491 , Germany

  • John Schultz - Hit and Miss

    If you are squeamish about pain this may not be for you. When done correctly this WILL hurt. This has worked 80% of the time for me. If your warts are in your armpits or on your face or genitals do not screw around with this product. Pony up the cash and see a professional. If they are on any other part, have at it. I have struggled with 3 warts on my hands. This product has destroyed 2 of them permanently. Each of these warts took about 3 applications to work. I reused the applicator even tho it says not to but they do not supply enough. The last one is a bugger. It's on the side of my pointer finger knuckle and I have had a doctor try and remove it and it came back in a year. Same thing happened when I tried this product on it. It made it smaller. To the point where I could barely see it. It took 4 applications over about 3 weeks. But it came back. I will try again. If you attack new warts quickly, this will eliminate them.

  • Lisa Miyamoto - Not for sensitive skin

    I've used a number of Aveeno products with sunscreen before, and I liked the sound of what this would supposedly do. But during the past few days when my skin has been a bit drier than usual, this has burned going on in the morning after my shower. I've switched to using on my hands and arms. Better to stick with the Ultra-calming line if you have sensitive skin.

  • 1consumer - I like it, I hope it works!

    This is delicious, I like the tangy taste. I also like the ease of preparation to drink, just add water, nothing hot.

  • ALICE WAND - It Works!

    I have been taking these pills for over 2 weeks and I see that my face got more plump, hence reducing wrinkles and the overall aging look. It also seems like the skin texture is better too. I am really happy with the products so I got my sister one. I can't comment on nail and hair because I've been taking biotin and they were already quite healthy.