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  • Marie - Questionable

    My husband and I have been trying this product for several weeks (I purchased one bottle from another seller). He seems to believe he has experienced some amount of relief. At this time I have not. My pain is severe: Fibromyalgia; arthritis; degenerative disc disease. I will give the treatment a little more time and then stop. Sometimes this is a good way to know if the product was helping or not. The cost is somewhat prohibitive for me. My husband may continue.

  • CkayLee - So far I love it!

    I was searching a lot of scar removal products before purchased this one. I am a bit skipital because I have never heard about thia brand before. But since there's a high percentage of 5 stars reviews. And I did checked out the photo album that many customers uploaded. Finally take my bottle. So far I like the smell as others said so. And one thing I am agree with others is the bottle was so small! I hope there's a bigger size I can purchase.

  • Be Honest - Works well and maintains teeth better than any other paste I have used.

    The taste is a soft mint. You are going to find this pleasing paste to use that leaves your mouth feeling clean for a half hour after brushing. I purchased this as I have serious issues with tooth pain, gums bleeding at times and cavities. I have had to brush 3-5 times a day and the other pastes I used (Aim, Crest, Colgate, Aquafresh) all left my teeth clean but sensitive and with my gums later developing sores and coming loose.