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    Country:, Europe, CZ

    City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • Timothy Doyle - Great Buy!

    I bought this set of clippers after going through a couple of cheaper ones, it gives you a skin tight fade and works great for sculping and shaping your beard. The only thing I don't like about this is that the clippers don't have a plastic cover for them to keep them oiled when you store them, other than that it is a perfect set!

  • londaboo1 - Love it

    every time I open a book with this authoress name on it I know I'm gonna love ready for love In The trap 2...

  • S. Coleman - Great replacement bag for toting around my laptop

    Great replacement bag for toting around my laptop. The bag is a little too shapeless to be a five star bag but the prior bag "fitted" better to the laptop that I use.

  • A. Noyer - Honest real person review (not seller)

    It works user - NOT seller. Hoping to add a truthful review to the pile of biased reviews either way.

  • Nancysue Rose - con artists

    The $410 I spent on this product line is a reminder to myself that I am not scam-proof as I always thought myself to be. The sales staff at the store used all the cons they could, and it worked, to my shame.