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Country:, North America, US

City: -82.5156 Florida, United States

  • Scot - Didnt do anything

    I was a firm beleiver that this would help me pass a drug test. I couldnt have been more wrong. I am a heavy daily smoker i stopped smoking thc 7 days prior to my teat, drank tons of water daily, excercised, and drank this detox about 4 hours before my test like people here suggest, urinated 3 times then took my test. I failed bad. One of the highest thc levels he had seen apparently. This did nothing. Spent $50 on this at gnc. Id recommend considering other options.

  • chicagotown9964 - ... use using this product but now my milk tastes funny without it

    Its taken a little to get use using this product but now my milk tastes funny without it . I wish the Wal-mart by me still stocked it.