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Le Chat Cat Hospital - Cat Veterinarian - Cat vet hospital serves Broad Axe and Blue Bell, PA. Our compassionate cat veterinarian provides specialized feline health care. Call today! (215) 643-6313

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  • M. Breault - Good supplement, but was not wholly effective for me

    I'm afraid this didn't really help me all that much. I went out and bought vitamin K1 separately and that did help. I do like the combination of herbs in this capsule, though, and I feel they are overall helpful to the reproductive system. I gave it 4 stars, though, because I think every woman is different and it will likely help one more than another. I also did not take this every day, as the directions do say it is for short-term management. I took one a day before my time of month, then 2-3 during those first few days when I needed it. I think coupled with the extra vitamin K1 that I was taking it did help.

  • kmrotterdam - Great Disaster Movie

    The Russian pilot was so cute ... why did he have to die? I am a fan of post-apocalyptic films, and this does a good job in being frightening, as well as entertaining, Yes, of course, there are some weaknesses in the logic of some details, but overall, it's entertainment and certainly worth the time ... if you are a fan of the genre. I originally saw this in the theaters when it was released, and I wanted to have my own copy to watch every now and then. The special effects / computer generated graphics are spectacular and serve the plot well in making it more exciting. Turn off the lights, crank up the surround sound, and cuddle under a blanket with someone fun to hold on to for some excitement and entertainment,

  • Book Lovin' Momma - Dante can bend me to his will anytime!

    Dante can bend me to his will anytime! He's an enforcer/hitman for the Italian mafia, while Jodie is a mafia princess who had no idea her family was mafia until college. The chemistry between Dante and Jodie is palpable, and even though he's a tough street-wise guy, he finds a softer side to himself where Jodie is concerned. This is a dark romance, but I love how Dante and Jodie find love in the midst of all the violence. B.B. Hamel hits the target with this one! Definitely adding to my yummy dark mafia bookshelf!