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  • Michael Maxwell - Great BT Receiver for price

    I will start by saying that this Bluetooth receiver works well and is very compact. There are some specific details that I was concerned about for my application and I will clarify some of the functionality of the device.

  • lauraholland - Attention Pharm students !!!!

    I am a nursing student currently in pharmacology and i found these drug cards very handy. Please believe you will still have to look up in your drug reference book for more info, especially since these cards don't list all needed info. I agree that it is a little hard to take cards out and put back in but the info given its very helpful! I had to do drug cards for all the meds my pt is on and ALL her meds were listed on this set of cards! The price is expensive but if you have the extra cash I would recommend buying this! 3/8/13 Update I got a 91 in Pharmacology for the semester!!!

  • Mom2two80 - Nails!

    I had my nails done last year (acrylic junk) which ruined my nails.. And my nails wouldn't grow at all.. Not until I took these. I had tried all kinds of hair and nail pills trying to get them to grow back and nothing worked until I started taking these. (I already have TONS of hair) People can review this and that about absorption and such, but I KNOW this stuff works. I will be ordering again!

  • latoya - hair feels like butter!!!

    omg i love this product i didnt really believe what people were saying about this product because people tend to exaggerate alot when talking about things they like but i decided to try it anyway.i brought the chi keratin mist first and it smelled kinda strong compared to this product but i really did like it, until i tried this product it was great and it didnt smell as strong as the keratin mist and as soon as i put it in my hair and combed it, it just glided through wow, and im a little past my perm date and my new growth is there but this product got my hair in shape all i needed to do was blowdry (i only had to blowdry with the keratin mist to) and my hair was straight now i wish i had brought a bigger bottle