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  • Generic Lasix (Furosemide) - Blood Pressure -> - Lasix belongs to a class of diuretics, it is prescribed in patients with swelling caused by congestive heart failure.
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    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 6.1833 North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

  • Taylor Jacobs - I loved this whitening kit

    I loved this whitening kit. You get everything you need to whiten your teeth and then some. This product comes with two mouth trays, whitening gel, a blue light, and cotton swabs filled with vitamin e. The cotton swabs were what made this product over the top.

  • CJBSmith - Sufficient for use on the railroad

    I am a railroad conductor and travel up to 12 hours per day, with 10+ hours spent at a 'hotel' between trips (34+ hours away from home at a time, sometimes more.) In addition, I have to carry this cooler and enough equipment and toiletries in a duffel bag for such a time away from home, all while climbing on and off a locomotive made entirely of industrial grade steel. Given these conditions, this cooler has kept my meals cold, with a single ice pack, from start to finish and has held up well in this demanding industrial environment for 6 months with no adverse signs of wear. The insulation in this cooler is impressive and much better than the majority of soft-sided coolers that I have previously used. It does not come with a hard liner, but I have repurposed one from a previous cooler.Also, it does not come with a shoulder strap, but, again, I used one from another cooler to satisfy this need. The top straps are strong enough to hold a full cooler and service well when coupled with a shoulder strap. I would highly recommend this product, but will state that it is not as durable as a hard-sided cooler so that there is no confusion.

  • Halim Amazon - Outstanding!

    We use it for our twins and cannot be more satisfied. It may take more time to get all of the mucos and boogers when they are dried out, but just keeping at it for a few minutes on and off so the baby doesn't get too irritated eventually gets them out. You may have to manuever the nozzle slightly up/down/back/forth to speed up the process.

  • An Actual Sloth - Good texture, taste

    Good texture, taste, and macros. I have tried the cookie dough in quest, costco, and fitjoy. This is my favorite by far. They are even better if you let them sit out in the sun for a bit or toss them in the microwave for a few seconds. I will be purchasing more!

  • Joelle Clarke - No way

    It totally sucks. It says universal; I have a Revlon blow dyer, but the thing won't say on without slipping off. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

  • C.Y. Simpleton - Buyer Beware

    There is a reason why the box edition (no disc – card with download instructions only) is $27 while the regular download is $99. It does not include the 4 Premium Soundpools that are advertised on the product box (only the 6 Standard Soundpools get installed). Magix customer service says it refers to a couple of samples in the “live” application, but that’s just damage control. Those are not Soundpool sets.