feldenkraisnoho.com Review:

Northampton Feldenkrais Studio in Western Massachusetts - Victoria Ahrensdorf uses Feldenkrais to help those with chronic & acute pain, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, MS, strokes, brain injury, back pain, osteoporosis.

  • http://feldenkraisnoho.com/about/ About Victoria Ahrensdorf, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, & Ruthy Alon - Victoria Ahrensdorf has been teaching Awareness Through Movement and Relaxercise classes since 1981. Many students quickly gain flexibility & pain relief.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • D. McKinnon - Adhesive remover

    I had wanted to remove adhesive residue from my car door - left over from those stickers that shops put on your doors - and had heard about this product. It works *great* (as I was told). It did not mar the paint, yet removed the adhesive completely. Now I have a nice smooth adhesive free door jamb. (I clean the door jambs every wash, to complete the look, so now they look especially nice).

  • Amazon Customer - Great entry level bike!

    I did much research on road bikes. I found that this Diamondback Podium 1 was a good fit for me due to the price and the gearing. It is light and very fast. I trust Diamondback because I have used them for most of my adult life. The thing that sold me was the bike and the component combination. It does come with pedals with toe straps. I did have to take it in to my LBS to get the derailleurs and the wheels tuned. ($33) Put a Sigma BC1009 computer on. ($22) Its a fun ride. I due agree that the seat is less than comfortable. I brought the bike to work and 3 of my co-worker may buy the same bike. Hope you found this review a benefit and ride safe!