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    Country:, Europe, PL

    City: 21.0362 , Poland

  • WEDemingFan - Good to have, but low quality & not well thought out & fleshed out

    Good idea and I've been able to watch lots of new movies and a lot of them in HD. I've also been able to watch missed favorite shows in HD. But it's not easy to operate. Almost half of the time, it could take awhile to search for movies/TV shows. Most of the vids don't have close captioning in english for hearing-impaired people like me. The controls on the remote are often frustrating to operate. Really looks like they rushed this into production.

  • TAYLOR CLARK - Magnificent

    Bought second one for a bday gift! She loveeeddd it , she uses it almost eveRy day, she jumped up n down when she saw unwrapped it

  • S. Hansen - Best lubricant for tough situations

    The garage door stuck up in the home we were staying in. Located about 200"yards from the ocean in Oregon. The repairman came out, we reviewed the drive Chadian and gears, and they were naturally coated with corrosion. He wanted to use his Slick spray before replacing the corrosion coated material to see if he could save us any cost.

  • JaVonni - waste of money

    Brand new computer right out the box. I don't go on any sights that are bad I only use my computer for school work. less then a month after downloading this my computer was on the verge of crashing! You might as well have nothing on your computer because this does nothing to help