
| Les Cavités Souterraines 37 - Indre et Loire - Le Syndicat a pour objet d’effectuer le repérage et le relevé des cavités souterraines et des masses rocheuses instables existantes sur le territoire, d’évaluer les risques et suggérer aux intéressés des moyens de contrôle et de sauvegarde.

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • Edward - Works as advertised

    This software is really easy to use and install. I installed the software on all my computers. The software has lots of uses but I mainly use it to set time limits. I am able to control if they can go online for an hour or not at all. The kids use the internet all the time instead of doing homework and with this I am able to control the internet habit. It is also great to control the sites they are able to visit. You can also block categories like xxx. The software is great and helps you control the internet since there are many things out there that are inappropriate.

  • Goose - Questionable durability

    The cross bars fit well, but I worry about the durability. The ends are plastic and all of the weight on the metal cross bars are distributed on the plastic clamps and a single screw. My car has a moon roof and I watched as the plastic bent under the weight of the load and the force of the wind as I drove down the road.