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  • TigerNavin - It's still fun, though

    Lots of trouble sighting it in. You can't use the scope. You just have to use the cross hairs on the screen. It's still fun, though. Just not what I expected.

  • D. Simien - Wonder soap

    I've been having itchy patches for a few months that were not getting better even with a prescription ointment. ONE shower with this soap and -- what a relief! I'm having my family members all use it for stinky feet, etc and it seems to work on everything. I ordered a larger size. Wish they made the same formula in a bar as the liquid soap is very watery.

  • Rubesbiz - Kids version VS. Regular

    This was OK. My daughter actually likes the regular version more due to the songs, she's 6-7 years old. The music is older and certainly more kid friendly as far as lyrics.

  • Charles - Scammed

    Thought it was a great deal. Bought it for Windows 7 and 8.1. Installed and activated flawlessly in under 10 minutes on 8.1 and under 15 minutes on 7. Later found out it was a Beta edition and can't be up updated. Sorry I bought it now.

  • Amazon Customer - Different perspective

    I'd previously wondered how the Tudor brothers came to be close with their half brother the king, considering their scandalous roots. This book brought a new perspective to that relationship. Quite enjoyable!

  • Amazon Customer - painful choice, brilliant fusion

    Pulled a solemn strike, twin twisters, painful choice, brilliant fusion. On top of slifer, dark magician and pendulum sorcerer. Happy with the tin.